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Floating Hotel

Design Team:MORE Architecture
Size:6000 ㎡   
Location:Huzhou, China


Project - Dutch firm More Architecture has realized a striking bamboo-lined boutique hotel in rural China that seems to levitate ethereally above the mountainous terrain. Named Floating Hotel, the elevated building offers guests an immersive relationship with nature while framing dramatic vistas. Situated in the bucolic Dachangping region near Shanghai, the 6,000-square-metre retreat contains 18 guest suites sheltered beneath an angular folded roof clad in weathered zinc. Raising the sculptural roof volume off the ground allows the lush bamboo forest to flow uninterrupted underneath. "We took the idea of a building 'floating above the bamboo' as inspiration to elevate the hotel, letting the landscape continue beneath it," explained partner Daan Roggeveen. Three glazed amenity pavilions for yoga, dining and events are tucked under the zigzagging roofline. The rooms themselves are designed to heighten the connection with their surroundings. Elongated "corridor" rooms offer panoramic vistas, while corner suites take advantage of dual aspectS. Floor-to-ceiling glazing blurs the transition between inside and out onto a wraparound wood-decked terrace. Steel columns elevate the hotel 8 metres off the ground, creating a cavernous space underneath for an outdoor pool. Warm wood lines the interiors and custom furniture to foster an inviting atmosphere.


Design Team - Based in Amsterdam and Shanghai, MORE Architecture is a research-driven design practice founded in 2013 by Dutch architect Daan Roggeveen and Chinese-American architect Robert Chen. The studio takes an interdisciplinary approach that spans architecture, interior design, and urban planning and strategy. With a lean team of highly skilled architects and designers across both offices, MORE Architecture focuses on creating considered and sustainable environments. The firm's portfolio showcases a range of cultural, hospitality, workplace, and exhibition projects that strive for dynamic, inclusive, and community-oriented designs. Key team members lending their expertise include founding partners Roggeveen and Chen, along with Amsterdam partners Ties Kweekel and Chloe Oosterwoud. The Shanghai office is led by partners Pey Lung and Mae Sszto, with Xiangcheng Xing also serving as a skilled project architect. Combining extensive urban research with masterplanning and sensitive contextual design, MORE Architecture develops human-centered solutions that blend European and Chinese influences. The practice's work is guided by principles of mixing uses, promoting accessibility, and establishing public realms that foster a new sense of collective identity.

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