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Nickhel Home
Helen Agustine Studio

项目名称: 尼克尔之家


设计团队:Helen Agustine Studio

面积:278 平方米


摄影师:Arte Haus



项目 – 尼克尔之家由Helen Agustine Studio设计,重新诠释了印度尼西亚南丹格朗的热带生活。这个创新项目包括两座相互连接的房屋——一个家庭住宅和一个祖母的度假屋,通过一个宁静的内院相连。设计注重亲密感和空间体验,适度比例的房间促进了更紧密的家庭关系。






团队 –  Helen Agustine Studio是一家总部位于印度尼西亚的建筑和室内设计公司,由首席建筑师Helen Agustine于2016年创立。该工作室最初名为Seniman Ruang,已发展成为一个充满活力的实践,无缝融合艺术和建筑。工作室注重平衡功能性和情感化设计元素,在项目方法上优先考虑质量而非数量。




近期荣誉包括2024年Kinematic Pavilion项目获得的Arch Id最佳展台奖和2023年Honestree项目获得的BCI亚洲室内设计奖,凸显了该工作室在建筑设计行业日益增长的影响力。



Project Name: Nickhel Home

Location: South Tangerang, Indonesia

Design Team: Helen Agustine Studio

Area: 278 m²

Year: 2024

Photographer: Arte Haus



Project - Nickhel Home, designed by Helen Agustine Studio, reimagines tropical living in South Tangerang, Indonesia. This innovative project features two interconnected houses – a family residence and a grandmother's retreat – linked by a serene inner courtyard. The design prioritizes intimacy and spatial experience, with modestly proportioned rooms fostering closer family relationships.


Sustainability is at the core, with generous windows maximizing cross-ventilation and raw materials like exposed ironwood embracing natural aging. A chemical-free mini pool adds a soothing water element, while handcrafted details like 3D rattan weaving showcase local artistry. The project's standout feature is its seamless indoor-outdoor flow, epitomized by the compression-expansion entry sequence and the courtyard connecting both living spaces.


Agustine's dual role as architect and homeowner allowed for continuous experimentation, resulting in a timeless environment that celebrates material beauty and tropical living.


Design Team - Helen Agustine Studio, an architectural and interior design firm based in Indonesia, was founded in 2016 by principal architect Helen Agustine. Originally known as Seniman Ruang, the studio has evolved into a dynamic practice that seamlessly blends art and architecture. With a focus on balancing functional and emotional design elements, the firm prioritizes quality over quantity in its approach to projects.


The studio offers comprehensive services from concept development to site supervision, with Helen's award-winning work showcasing her ability to infuse simple designs with unique twists and narrative depth. Sustainability is a key focus, reflecting in their innovative use of materials and space.


Recent accolades include the 2024 Arch Id Best Booth Awards for the Kinematic Pavilion and the 2023 BCI Asia Interior Design Awards for Honestree, highlighting the studio's growing influence in the architectural design industry.


278 m²

South Tangerang, Indonesia


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