云躲躲 · 烟花小屋
EERI 即域建筑
项目 – 在湖南省浏阳市金坑村这片风景如画的乡村,EERI 即域建筑设计的"云躲躲·烟花小屋"为游人带来了一处别具一格的休闲体验。四座错落有致的小屋沿山体曲线徐徐铺开,半透明的聚碳酸酯屋顶在阳光下呈现出雕塑般的白色质感,夜幕降临时则如同灯笼般散发出温馨的光芒,暗示着内里热火朝天的活力。这组小屋并未囿于乡村建筑的传统形式,而是大胆采用当代材料和造型手法。经济实惠的聚碳酸酯板在不同光线环境下展现出多样的视觉效果,为田园风光增添了别样的现代韵味。室内空间通过巧妙的窗景设计,将户外自然景观引入室内。底层的落地玻璃将如横卷田园画图般将开阔的远景尽收眼底;二层则通过角窗和侧窗营造出近景的局部镜框,而阁楼则将视野延伸至遥远的连云山脉,将人与大自然的亲密联系推向了极致。EERI建筑师运用了超越常规的设计理念,以相对经济的手段打造出这处与众不同的度假体验,细腻地捕捉了乡野风光的无尽韵味。"云躲躲·烟花小屋"就如美好的种子般点燃了田园之梦,让旅人与大自然融为一体,体会大美云山的动人风采。
团队 – 即域建筑设计工作室是一家总部位于上海的建筑事务所,由侯睿和朱丽瑾两位加州大学伯克利分校毕业生创立。"即域"二字体现了该工作室的设计理念-在"当下"与"场域"之间探索时间与空间的关系,通过感性与理性手法的平衡统一来揭示每个项目的独特属性。即域着眼于当代建筑师在文化与社会层面的职能定位,勇于突破设计的边界。他们的多元化作品类型包括城市更新、精品酒店、文化公共建筑、办公商业空间等,无论是技术层面还是艺术表现,都旨在挖掘项目的独特之处。两位合伙人曾分别在迈克尔·马尔赞等知名建筑大师工作室任职,积累了丰富的专业经验。他们扎实的创造力与卓越的技术水准助力诞生了许多获奖项目,包括亚太设计中心酒店类大奖等殊荣。
Project - Nestled in the scenic Jinkeng Village of Hunan Province, China, the Spark Lodges by EERI Architecture offer a refreshing retreat that blends harmoniously with its bucolic surroundings. The four elevated cabins sit gently along the curve of the mountain, their translucent polycarbonate roofs creating a striking sculptural presence. Rather than mimicking traditional rural architecture, the lodges boldly embrace contemporary forms and materials. The economical polycarbonate cladding transforms visually from opaque white when sunlit to a luminous lantern-like glow after dusk, hinting at the inner vitality within. The interior spaces have been carefully choreographed to forge an intimate connection with nature through intelligent windowing strategies. On the ground level, full-height glazing extends the vista horizontally like a Chinese scroll painting, while upper floors frame scenic vignettes through apertures and corner windows. The topfloor loft dramatically unveils a panorama of distant Lianyun Mountain peaks. By eschewing conventional solutions, EERI has crafted a differentiated, cost-effective getaway that captures the ephemeral poetry of the landscape. The Spark Lodges seedestinies of beauty - igniting the imagination as transient guests become one with their sublime environs.
Design Team - EERI Architecture Studio is a Shanghai-based practice founded by principals Rui Hou and Lijin Zhu after graduating from the University of California, Berkeley. The firm's name encapsulates their design philosophy - exploring the relationships between the "present" and the "field" through a balanced approach integrating rational and emotional methodologies. With a focus on revealing the unique properties of each commission across technical and artistic realms, EERI investigates the cultural and social roles of the contemporary architect while pushing the boundaries of design. Their multidisciplinary portfolio spans architecture, interiors, and installations for urban regeneration, boutique hotels, cultural facilities, workplaces, and commercial programs. Hou and Zhu's creativity and technical expertise, honed through previous experiences at leading studios like Michael Maltzan Architecture, have brought numerous acclaimed projects to fruition. EERI's work has garnered recognition through prestigious awards like the APDC Grand Award for Hotels and the Golden Pin Design Award. The practice has been invited to speak at Design Shanghai while exhibiting installations at Shanghai Fashion Week and Maker Faire.