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Flag House
studio mk27


项目 – 巴西现代主义与加拿大惠斯勒的雪山完美融合,Studio MK27设计的"旗帜屋"(Flag House)在2023年Wallpaper*设计大奖中荣获最佳滑雪度假屋奖。这座独特的建筑坐落于惠斯勒白雪皑皑的山峰之间,巧妙地将巴西现代主义与高山建筑风格相结合。


来自圣保罗的Studio MK27以其热带别墅设计闻名,此次他们成功地将其标志性的室内外连接理念转化到了寒冷的环境中。结果令人惊叹:一个透明的庇护所,仿佛漂浮在雪景之上,既邀请自然进入室内,又为住户提供了一个温暖舒适的避风港。




这座创新型度假屋的设计不仅仅停留在美学层面,还巧妙地融入了高山生活方式。住户可以直接滑雪进入房屋,模糊了户外冒险与家居生活的界限。通过这种开创性的设计手法,Studio MK27打造了一个不仅尊重环境,更是共享自然的家园,为奢华滑雪度假屋提供了全新的诠释。


团队 – Studio MK27作为巴西现代主义建筑的先锋,自20世纪70年代末由建筑师马西奥·科甘(Marcio Kogan)创立以来,一直引领着全球设计潮流。这家位于充满活力的圣保罗的设计工作室,如今已发展成为拥有56名成员的强大团队,并拥有广泛的国际合作网络。


Marcio Kogan本人是美国建筑师协会(AIA)的荣誉会员和米兰理工大学的教授,他领导着一个由四位总监组成的核心团队,负责管理三个专业部门。长期合作伙伴戴安娜·拉多米斯勒(Diana Radomysler)主管室内设计团队,而雷纳塔·弗拉内托(Renata Furlanetto)和苏珊娜·格洛戈夫斯基(Suzana Glogowski)则领导建筑设计团队。玛丽安娜·西马斯(Mariana Simas)作为执行总监,负责管理新项目和日常运营。




Studio MK27的影响力远超建成作品。他们在2012年威尼斯双年展上的亮相,以及在皇家艺术学院和耶鲁大学等机构的演讲,凸显了他们作为建筑思想领袖的地位。这家总部位于圣保罗的事务所不断突破界限,创造出完美融合现代主义原则与前沿设计的空间,巩固了他们作为21世纪建筑界中坚力量的地位。




Project - Nestled in the snow-capped peaks of Whistler, Canada, Flag House by Studio MK27 emerges as a masterful fusion of Brazilian modernism and alpine architecture. This striking retreat, winner of Best Ski Retreat at the 2023 Wallpaper* Design Awards, challenges conventional notions of winter residences with its bold, glass-encased design.


Marcio Kogan's São Paulo-based practice, renowned for its tropical villas, has adeptly translated its signature indoor-outdoor connection to a frosty canvas. The result is a transparent sanctuary that seems to float above the snowy landscape, inviting nature in while providing a cozy refuge from the elements.


The home's most distinctive feature is its cantilevered upper level – a grand piano nobile wrapped in expansive glazing. This transparent volume appears to hover weightlessly above its concrete base, creating a dramatic juxtaposition with the rugged terrain. Inside, carefully curated interiors blend modernist and contemporary furnishings, forming a minimalist backdrop that frames the ever-changing views.


Flag House's innovative design extends beyond aesthetics, seamlessly integrating with the alpine lifestyle. Residents can ski directly into the home, blurring the lines between adventure and domesticity. With its groundbreaking approach to mountain living, Studio MK27 has created a home that not only respects its environment but celebrates it, offering a new perspective on luxury ski retreats.


Design Team - Studio MK27, a vanguard of Brazilian modernist architecture, has been shaping the global design landscape since its inception in the late 1970s by visionary architect Marcio Kogan. Nestled in the vibrant chaos of São Paulo, this atelier has grown into a powerhouse of 56 members, with an extensive network of international collaborators.


At the helm, Kogan, an AIA honorary member and Politecnico di Milano professor, leads a quartet of directors overseeing three specialized divisions. Diana Radomysler, a longtime partner, spearheads the interior design team, while Renata Furlanetto and Suzana Glogowski direct the architectural squad. Mariana Simas, as executive director, manages new projects and operations.


The studio's ethos is deeply rooted in the Brazilian modernist tradition, yet it constantly evolves this legacy through contemporary reinterpretation. Their portfolio is characterized by formal simplicity and meticulous attention to detail, earning them over 250 prestigious accolades including WAF, Architectural Review, and Wallpaper Design Awards.


Studio MK27's influence extends beyond built works. Their presence at the 2012 Venice Biennale and lectures at institutions like the Royal Academy of Arts and Yale University underscore their role as thought leaders in architectural discourse. This São Paulo-based practice continues to push boundaries, creating spaces that seamlessly blend modernist principles with cutting-edge design, cementing their status as a formidable force in 21st-century architecture.

1130 m²

Whistler, Canada


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