项目 – 在东京板桥区打造的这栋集合住宅"板桥本町长屋 Casabella",可谓是在狭小不规则的地块上精雕细琢,发挥无限想象力。这栋建筑坐落在环七线内一处安静的住宅区,地块呈不规则五边形,东北两侧高低落差达2米,且东南西三面都紧邻道路。按照规划,这样的情况下可建面积将极为有限。设计师将建筑平面适当外扩偏离地块形状,并通过体形错层的"跳层式"布局,最大限度利用高差比率放宽规定来响应各种给定条件,从而在有限空间内创造出更多使用面积。最终,住宅量体在保持整体大小的同时,形成了若干小体量外扩凸起的有机造型,富于雕塑感。这些外延小空间成为房间内的特色"窗边区",不仅提供了居住体验,也可作为小型工作室、店铺等多种用途。跳层式的开放空间设计,进一步增加了居住的自由度和活力。通过出色的平面布局和巧妙的造型处理,设计师成功在逼仄地块上打造了一栋个性鲜明、空间丰富、容积率高达96.2%的现代化长屋住宅,被赞为"内涵深厚、包蕴无限可能"。这无疑将为高密度城市住宅带来全新的理念和启迪。
团队 – 川久保智康建筑设计事务所成立于2005年,总部位于东京,凭借其创新的住宅和商业项目设计,在业内赢得了广泛赞誉。该事务所由首席建筑师川久保智康领衔,将新颖的创意完美地注入每个设计委托当中。川久保智康曾在著名的日本建筑师矶崎新的设计事务所工作,他精擅空间规划,对细节有着敏锐的眼光,设计作品在最大限度发挥功能性的同时,也彰显出独特的美学视角,其住宅代表作品如获奖作品"藏前小宅"和"西原长屋"等,展现了他在狭小的城市地块上打造高度宜居空间的卓越能力。这家设计事务所注重跨学科的综合方法,常常将建筑与产品设计有机融合。这种交叉渗透造就了令人印象深刻的环境,定制的家具和固定装置与建筑理念浑然一体。凭借赢得国际赞誉的杰出作品,以及推动行业发展的不懈追求,其已确立了其在日本新兴设计机构之一的地位。
Project - In a quiet Tokyo neighborhood near the Route 7 loop, architect Tomoyasu Kawakubo has created an ingenious new apartment building that defies conventional housing typologies. Dubbed Casabella, the three-story complex occupies an irregularly shaped, sloped plot hemmed in by roads on three sides - conditions that would normally severely limit the buildable area. Kawakubo's innovative solution involves offsetting the building footprint from the parcel boundaries and employing the "sky exposure plane" exemption to extend portions of the upper floors beyond the zoning envelope. This allowed him to maximize interior space while creating striking projecting volumes. The staggered, "skip-floor" layout further opens up the residences. The resulting sculptural form is a refreshing departure from Tokyo's typical boxy apartments. Small extruded masses containing window nooks encourage residents to personalize these cozy spaces as small businesses, ateliers or simply relaxation areas. Combined with the open-concept interiors, they put occupants' unique lifestyles on display to the street. By thinking outside the box, Kawakubo has crafted an unexpectedly bold yet contextual design maximizing every square meter of the constrained site. At 96.2% of the permitted size, Casabella showcases how skillful planning can create distinctive homes from even the most challenging urban plots.
Design Team - Founded in 2005, Kawakubo Tomoyasu Architecture & Associates is a Tokyo-based architectural firm making waves with their innovative residential and commercial projects. Led by principal architect Tomoyasu Kawakubo, a first-class certified architect, the firm's tight-knit team approaches each commission with fresh creative energy. Kawakubo cut his teeth at the renowned Isozaki Arata & Associates before branching out on his own in 2002. His mastery of spatial planning and keen eye for detail shine through in designs that maximize functionality while expressing a distinct aesthetic vision. The firm's residential work, such as the award-winning Kuramae Small House and Nishihara Row Houses, demonstrates an ability to craft highly livable spaces on constrained urban sites. With Kawakubo at the helm, the practice embraces an interdisciplinary approach, often blurring the lines between architecture and product design. This cross- pollination results in compelling environments where customized furniture and fixtures seamlessly integrate with the architectural concepts. Beyond designing innovative buildings, the firm is deeply engaged in architectural education. Kawakubo has taught at Nihon University's College of Engineering since 2014 and serves as a visiting researcher, nurturing the next generation of talent. Through built works earning international acclaim and a commitment to advancing the profession, Kawakubo Tomoyasu Architecture & Associates has cemented its position as one of Japan's most exciting emerging practices.
225 m²