Ateliers O-S architectes
这座由Ateliers O-S architectes设计的塞缪尔·帕蒂学校,将庄重肃穆与通透敞亮完美融合,在贝济耶市的德韦泽区树立了一个大胆而又富有渗透性的存在。整个校园围绕一个与地形相承的大型纵向体量而建,单层的学校建筑为街道营造了一种人性化的尺度。砂凝土正是这一作品最与众不同的元素,将屋顶与立面融合为一体,形成了一种饱满的造型语汇。这种肃穆的矿物质感与内部轻盈高挑的金属架构形成了鲜明对比,教室敞开在操场之上,通过全高落地窗将内外毫无阻隔地连接。在户外,设计不仅保留了现有的老树,更创造了一个台阶状的环境景观,将建筑与自然界融为一体。大型入口廊架上圆形天窗设计使其为游客带来遮荫,同时将人们从街道上引入校园深处。室内空间严丝合缝地为不同功能而设:双层高的入口营造了充满活力的交流空间,而校长室则巧妙地将操场尽收眼底。走廊作为半室外空间,在教室与操场之间形成了自然过渡。整个建筑在坚硬的混凝土外壳与轻盈的内部装修之间,展现了引人入胜的张力对比。
Harmonizing massiveness and porosity, the Samuel Paty School Group by Ateliers O-S architectes presents a bold yet permeable presence in the Devèze district of Béziers, France. Centered around a striking longitudinal volume that adapts to the site's topography, the single-story primary school building offers a human-scaled facade to the street.
The building's defining element is its sanded concrete materiality, unifying the roof and elevations into one seamless composition blending form and volume. This mineral mass contrasts with the interior's scalable lightness, where classrooms open generously onto playgrounds under soaring metal gantries. Floor-to-ceiling glazing maximizes this connection between indoors and out.
Outdoors, the design preserves mature trees while introducing terraced landscaping that blurs built and natural environments. A large entrance canopy with circular skylights shelters a welcoming forecourt and gardens guiding pupils from the street to the halls.
Within, spatial choreography responds to user needs. Double-height volumes energize communal areas, while the principal's office strategically overlooks the central playground. Corridors are conceived as exterior but sheltered spaces mediating between classrooms and courtyards. Throughout, the robust concrete shell and lightweight interior finishes establish a compelling dialogue of complementary contrasts.
Ateliers O-S architectes始于2007年,三位合伙人Vincent Baur、Guillaume Colboc 和 Gaël Le Nouëne曾在鹿特丹的OMA和West8事务所历练。该事务所追求一种新手工艺方式风格,精心掌控从构思到实施的整个设计建造过程。他们的作品遍布法国,包括公共设施、社会住房和文化场馆等。作品的特色在于精准把握尺度,促进社会互动,体现空间的谦逊有礼。设计师们擅于发掘场地的潜在使用功能,从中汲取灵感。这种探索式方法孕育了富有意想不到空间体验的建筑,同时呈现出一种超凡脱俗的独特风格。该事务所曾荣获爱菲尔奖(2021年)、建筑与可持续建筑奖以及国际竞赛荣誉。他们的作品还入选了2016年威尼斯建筑双年展法国馆的展品目录。在资深团队的带领下,Ateliers O-S architectes一如既往地秉承与环境互动、发掘可能性的设计理念,在建筑舞台上书写属于自己的篇章。
Founded in 2007 after formative experiences at OMA and West8 in Rotterdam, Ateliers O-S architectes is a Paris-based practice helmed by partners Vincent Baur, Guillaume Colboc, and Gaël Le Nouëne. The firm embraces a neo-artisanal approach, consciously mastering the entire design and construction process from conception through execution.
Ateliers O-S's portfolio spans public facilities, social housing, and cultural venues across France. Their works are characterized by a judicious sense of scale, fostering social interaction and spatial courtesy. The architects probe and unveil the latent potentials of site-specific uses and activities. This exploratory approach yields architectures replete with unexpected spatial treasures while projecting an alchemical distinctiveness.
The firm's accolades include an Eiffel Award (2021), Architecture & Sustainable Construction Awards from CAUE regional bodies, and international competition distinctions. Their built works have been featured in publications like Pavillon Français's catalog for the 2016 Venice Biennale.
With a dedicated team including associates Carole Petit, Eléonore Lecoq and others, Ateliers O-S architectes continues advancing its design philosophy premised on evolution, contextrespnsiveness and the revelation of untapped programmatic possibilities.
3679 ㎡