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MAT Office has unveiled their latest project, the South Wind Zhoushan Summer Hotel Phase II, a thoughtful expansion of their original design completed five years ago. Located in Zhangzhou Village on Zhujiajian Island, this renovation breathes new life into two existing three-story houses, transforming them into a refined seaside retreat.

The project stands out for its clever spatial reorganization and material choices that pay homage to local building traditions while introducing a contemporary aesthetic. MAT Office separated the courtyards of the seaside and hillside buildings, creating a series of interconnected spaces that flow from the beach to the hotel's inner sanctum. A striking feature is the floating bridge that links the middle courtyard to the second floor of the seaside building, offering guests unique circulation paths and viewpoints.

The architects employed a palette of materials that nod to the region's architectural heritage, including terrazzo, washed stone, and cement plaster. These are juxtaposed with warm multi-layer plywood and sleek metal elements, creating a harmonious blend of textures and tones. The hillside building's facade, with its horizontal windows reminiscent of modernist designs, contrasts the village's ubiquitous white square houses.

This project not only elevates the guest experience but also addresses the delicate balance between tourism development and cultural preservation in rural coastal areas. The South Wind hotel offers a "refined" homestay experience that aligns with contemporary aspirations for island living while promoting a slower, more relaxed approach to leisure.




值得一提的是,MAT主导的"Office 3.0"研究项目,前瞻性地探索了未来工作空间范式。自2014年起,他们更是在老城改造和社区设计领域扮演了先锋角色。MAT的作品频频亮相国际顶级展览,包括威尼斯建筑双年展和深港城市\建筑双城双年展。他们摘得DFA亚洲最具影响力设计大奖和AMP美国建筑大师奖等殊荣,奠定了他们在当代中国建筑界的领军地位。


Founded in 2013 by TANG Kangshuo and ZHANG Miao, MAT Office has rapidly established itself as a formidable presence in the architectural design industry. Initially based in Rotterdam and relocating to Beijing in 2015, the firm has garnered international recognition for its innovative approach to urban challenges and emerging societal phenomena.

MAT Office's design philosophy is rooted in typological analysis, with a keen focus on the interplay between "unit" and "edge," as well as "publicity" and "openness." Their projects often explore the delicate balance between individual and collective spaces, resulting in thoughtfully crafted public realms that respond to contemporary urban needs.

The firm's portfolio spans a diverse range of typologies, including urban landmarks, cultural and educational facilities, creative office parks, and urban regeneration projects. Notably, MAT Office has spearheaded research initiatives such as "Office 3.0," investigating future workspace paradigms, and has been at the forefront of old city renewal and community design projects since 2014.

MAT Office's work has been featured in prestigious international exhibitions, including the Venice Architecture Biennale and the Shenzhen/Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale. Their designs have garnered accolades such as the DFA Asia Most Influential Design Award and the AMP American Architecture Prize, cementing their status as a leading voice in contemporary Chinese architecture.

Under the continued leadership of TANG and ZHANG, MAT Office remains committed to pushing the boundaries of architectural discourse, addressing the evolving needs of urban dwellers through innovative spatial solutions and rigorous research-driven design practices.

720 m²



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