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Audeum (audio museum)
Kengo Kuma and Associates



面积:11009 m²




项目 –隈研吾最新力作"声音博物馆"(Audeum)在首尔江南区惊艳亮相,以其创新的声音、建筑与自然元素的融合,重新定义了传统博物馆的体验模式。这座11009平方米的建筑杰作,超越了传统展览空间的界限,打造出一场沉浸式的多感官旅程。










团队 –  1990年,著名日本建筑师隈研吾(1954年生)创立了隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所(Kengo Kuma and Associates,简称KKAA)。经过多年发展,该事务所已成为全球领先且富有经验的情境驱动设计公司,在东京、巴黎、北京和上海均设有办事处,在40多个国家完成了众多创新项目,巧妙融合建筑与自然环境。




Project:Audeum (audio museum)

Team:Kengo Kuma and Associates

Size:11009 m²

Location: Seoul, South Korea



Project - Kengo Kuma's latest masterpiece, Audeum (audio museum), emerges as a groundbreaking sensory museum in Seoul's vibrant Gangnam district, redefining the conventional museum experience through an innovative fusion of sound, architecture, and natural elements. This 11,009-square-meter structure stands as a testament to the evolution of cultural spaces, transcending traditional visual exhibitions to create an immersive, multi-sensory journey.


The building's most striking feature is its sophisticated exterior envelope, composed of vertically stacked aluminum louvers that create an ever-changing play of light and shadow. This dynamic façade system, reminiscent of dappled sunlight filtering through a forest canopy, transforms the building's appearance throughout the day and seasons. The seemingly random arrangement of aluminum pipes achieves a delicate balance between chaos and order, responding organically to urban and natural contexts.


Interior spaces reveal a masterful transition from the metallic exterior to warm, tactile environments through Kuma's innovative "wood drape" technique. This distinctive architectural detail elevates traditional wood finishing methods, creating acoustically optimized spaces that enhance the museum's audio-focused exhibits while maintaining a profound connection to natural materials.


What sets The Audeum apart is its holistic approach to sensory engagement. Moving beyond conventional audio exhibits, the space orchestrates a sophisticated interplay of sound, light, wind, and fragrance, creating an unprecedented museum typology. The architecture itself becomes an instrument, designed to attune visitors to their natural sensory capabilities while providing a sanctuary for acoustic exploration in the heart of Seoul's metropolitan landscape.


In a world increasingly dominated by digital experiences, The Audeum emerges as a vital counterpoint – a space that celebrates the fundamentally analog nature of human perception, establishing itself as a pivotal cultural landmark for the contemporary era.


Design Team - Founded in 1990 by renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, Kengo Kuma and Associates (KKAA) has established itself as a global leader in thoughtful, context-driven design. With a team of highly skilled professionals across offices in Tokyo, Paris, Beijing, and Shanghai, the firm has completed innovative projects in over 40 countries, seamlessly blending architecture with the natural environment.

Kuma's design philosophy emphasizes a deep connection to place, using natural materials and sensitive interventions to craft buildings that elevate the human experience while respecting local cultures and ecologies. From large-scale cultural institutions to intimate residential retreats, KKAA's portfolio showcases a mastery of scale and typology, united by a commitment to sustainability and an innate understanding of how architecture can foster meaningful relationships between people and their surroundings.

With Kuma at the helm, KKAA continues to push the boundaries of contemporary architecture, integrating innovative technologies and traditional craftsmanship to realize visionary designs that redefine the role of the built environment. As the firm enters its fourth decade, its reputation for excellence and innovation continues to grow, solidifying its position as a global leader in the field.


11009 m²

Seoul, South Korea


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