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Buitenplaats Koningsweg

项目名称:Buitenplaats Koningsweg 社区


面积:4932 m²  




项目 – 在荷兰阿纳姆郊区,一个令人惊叹的项目将历史与自然巧妙融合。MVRDV建筑事务所、Buro Harro景观设计工作室以及KondorWessels Projecten开发公司联手,将二战时期的德国军事基地华丽蜕变,赋予其全新生命。这个名为Buitenplaats Koningsweg的项目,巧妙地将居住空间、文化元素与弗卢韦森林完美结合,创造出一个独特的生活环境,既尊重其复杂的历史,又拥抱可持续发展的未来。






最引人注目的或许是Buro Harro的景观设计,它"像毯子一样将弗卢韦景观覆盖在场地上"。这种方法模糊了建筑环境与自然环境之间的界限,营造出一种既恒久又与周围环境完美融合的宁静氛围。最终呈现的是一个真正独特的开发项目,为居民提供了在荷兰最珍贵的自然景观之一中和谐生活、工作和放松的难得机会。


团队 – MVRDV建筑事务所于1993年由维尼·马斯(Winy Maas)、雅各布·范赖斯(Jacob van Rijs)和娜塔莉·德弗里斯(Nathalie de Vries)共同创立,如今已成为创新建筑设计和城市规划领域的先锋。目前,除创始合伙人外,弗朗斯·德维特(Frans de Witte)、福克·莫雷尔(Fokke Moerel)、石文倩(Wenchian Shi)、扬·克尼克(Jan Knikker)和贝特朗·希潘(Bertrand Schippan)也加入领导团队。这家总部位于鹿特丹的公司已经在全球扩张,在上海、巴黎、柏林和纽约都设有办事处。


MVRDV的设计方法以严谨的研究、多学科协作和对可持续性的承诺为特征。他们内部的气候团队确保每个设计都符合生态环保理念,而MVRDV NEXT则不断推动计算机辅助设计和技术集成的边界。该公司的作品涵盖了令人印象深刻的多种建筑类型,从鹿特丹标志性的混合用途建筑Markthal到具有重要文化意义的项目,如博伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆藏品库。MVRDV的作品经常挑战传统建筑规范,比如地拉那金字塔的改造项目和天津滨海图书馆等。


在300多名专业人士的努力下,MVRDV持续塑造着建筑和城市规划的未来。他们强调创意、功能性和社会责任的设计理念赢得了国际赞誉和众多奖项。通过其附属智库"未来工厂"(The Why Factory),MVRDV还为学术讨论做出贡献,构想未来城市,并不断推动建筑思想的边界。


Project:Buitenplaats Koningsweg


Size:4932 m²

Location:Arnhem, Netherlands



Project - In a striking transformation of history and nature, MVRDV, Buro Harro, and KondorWessels Projecten have breathed new life into a former World War II German military base on the outskirts of Arnhem, Netherlands. The Buitenplaats Koningsweg project seamlessly blends residential spaces, cultural elements, and the lush Veluwe forest, creating a unique living environment that honors its complex past while embracing a sustainable future.


The masterplan ingeniously preserves and repurposes existing structures, with new additions clearly delineated through thoughtful material choices. Original brick buildings are carefully restored, while reconstructed elements feature distinctive light grey finishes. This approach not only respects the site's heritage but also allows visitors to intuitively interpret its layered history.


MVRDV's contribution includes three almost-identical residential buildings, offering 21 energy-neutral "townhouses in the forest." These homes, raised above ground level, boast minimal enclosures and intimate connections to the surrounding nature. The project's commitment to sustainability is evident in its use of timber frames, recycled materials, and future-ready design elements.


Perhaps most striking is the landscape design by Buro Harro, which "pulls the Veluwe landscape over the site like a blanket." This rewilding approach blurs the boundaries between built and natural environments, creating a serene atmosphere that feels both timeless and perfectly integrated with its surroundings. The result is a truly unique development that offers residents the rare opportunity to live, work, and relax in harmony with one of the Netherlands' most precious natural landscapes.


Design Team - Founded in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, and Nathalie de Vries, MVRDV has established itself as a vanguard in innovative architectural design and urban planning. Now led by the founding partners alongside Frans de Witte, Fokke Moerel, Wenchian Shi, Jan Knikker, and Bertrand Schippan, this Rotterdam-based firm has expanded globally with offices in Shanghai, Paris, Berlin, and New York.


MVRDV's approach is characterized by rigorous research, multidisciplinary collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability. Their in-house Climate Team ensures eco-conscious designs, while MVRDV NEXT pushes the boundaries of computational design and technology integration.


The firm's portfolio spans an impressive range of typologies, from mixed-use developments like the iconic Markthal in Rotterdam to culturally significant projects such as the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen. MVRDV's work often challenges conventional architectural norms, as seen in projects like the Pyramid of Tirana transformation and the Tianjin Binhai Library.


With a team of over 300 professionals, MVRDV continues to shape the future of architecture and urbanism. Their design philosophy, which emphasizes creativity, functionality, and social responsibility, has garnered international acclaim and numerous awards. Through their associated think tank, The Why Factory, MVRDV also contributes to academic discourse, envisioning future cities and pushing the boundaries of architectural thought.

4932 m²

Arnhem, Netherlands


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