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Canyon View Residence
Brunner Architecture


位于加利福尼亚州约书亚树镇的峡谷景观住宅由Brunner Architecture设计,是一个将现代主义设计与对周围景观的深深尊重完美融合的迷人作品。这座面积2100平方英尺的房屋是为一个寻求安静避世的家庭而建,巧妙地融入了苍凉壮丽的自然环境,俯瞰着莫哈维沙漠和邻近的约书亚树国家公园。




这座住宅无疑是一个凸显设计力量增进人与自然联系的杰作。通过巧妙地将房屋融入令人叹为观止的环境中, Brunner Architecture打造了一处真正的卓越避世之所,庆祝着约书亚树景观的美丽与雄伟。

Nestled in the rugged beauty of Joshua Tree, California, the Canyon View Residence by Brunner Architecture is a captivating blend of modernist design and deep respect for the surrounding landscape. Commissioned by a family seeking a tranquil retreat, this 2,100-square-foot home seamlessly integrates with its dramatic natural setting, offering sweeping vistas of the Mojave Desert and the adjacent Joshua Tree National Park.

The property's strategic placement prioritizes the breathtaking southern views, which are dominated by a boulder-strewn hillside and ancient watershed canyons. Embracing this unique topography, the home's orientation and design elements work in harmony with the arid desert climate, maximizing passive solar heating during the winter while shielding against the harsh northern winds.

The home's layout reflects a thoughtful balance between communal and private spaces. Each bedroom enjoys its own dedicated patio and direct access to the natural surroundings, fostering a sense of solitude and reflection. Meanwhile, the primary living areas are strategically positioned to take advantage of the stunning canyon views, creating a serene oasis for family gatherings.

Brunner Architecture's masterful approach to this project is evident in the way the home's materiality and form embrace the rugged desert aesthetic. The use of natural materials, such as stone and weathered wood, seamlessly blends the structure with its surroundings, while the clean lines and minimalist detailing lend an air of contemporary sophistication.

The Canyon View Residence is a testament to the power of design to enhance our connection with the natural world. By thoughtfully integrating the home into its breathtaking setting, Brunner Architecture has crafted a truly exceptional retreat that celebrates the beauty and majesty of the Joshua Tree landscape. 设计团队:Brunner Architecture是一家位于加州的小型建筑设计事务所,在过去二十多年里,他们一直在科切拉谷和高沙漠地区留下了独特的印记。该公司于2019年由瑞士建筑师Martin Brunner创立,专注于设计能够与沙漠环境的独特挑战和迷人景观完美协调的住宅项目。

凭借在当地积累的60年从业经验,布鲁纳建筑团队(包括长期合作伙伴Jeff Bicknell 和 Stephen Gardner)对沙漠建筑的要求和复杂性了如指掌。他们从大地艺术运动和南加州标志性的现代主义建筑中汲取灵感,打造出既真挚又恰当的设计方案,充分体现对自然环境的深深敬意。

公司主导人Martin Brunner在90年代中期的一次建筑巡礼中首次发现了对沙漠的热爱。被约书亚树当地独特的简约美所吸引,他此后先后创立了多家屡获殊荣的科切拉谷办公室,最终在2019年创立了设计事务所,致力于提供真正体现他对这片土地深厚感情的优质设计服务。这支才华横溢的三人组合,创造了一系列将现代主义美学与粗犷沙漠环境完美融合的住宅项目,使Brunner Architecture成为科切拉谷杰出的设计事务所之一。

Nestled in the rugged beauty of Joshua Tree, California, Brunner Architecture is a small yet highly esteemed design firm that has been leaving an indelible mark on the Coachella Valley and High Desert region for over two decades. Founded in 2019 by Swiss-born architect Martin Brunner, the practice specializes in residential design that seamlessly harmonizes with the unique challenges and captivating landscapes of the desert environment.

With a collective sixty years of experience working in the area, the Brunner Architecture team, which includes long-time collaborators Jeff Bicknell and Stephen Gardner, is intimately familiar with the requirements and complexities of desert construction. Drawing inspiration from the earth art movement and the iconic modernist architecture of Southern California, the firm crafts design solutions that are both honest and appropriate, reflecting a deep respect for the natural surroundings.

Martin Brunner, the firm's principal, first discovered his passion for the desert while on an architectural pilgrimage across the United States in the mid-90s. Captivated by the simple beauty of the Joshua Tree landscape, he has since established multiple award-winning practices in the Coachella Valley, before founding Brunner Architecture with the goal of providing quality design services that truly embody his love for the region.

Joining Martin are Jeff Bicknell, a fifth-generation Californian whose appreciation for nature and the local climate is evident in his work, and Stephen Gardner, an architect and designer with an impressive background in innovative, socially conscious design both domestically and internationally. Together, this talented trio has created a portfolio of residential projects that seamlessly blend modernist aesthetics with the rugged desert context, earning Brunner Architecture a reputation as one of the premier design firms in the Coachella Valley.

2100 ft²

Joshua Tree,USA


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