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Torafu Architects


设计团队:Torafu Architects

面积:51.12 m²  




项目 – 在东京晴空街区的核心地带,一个全新的美食胜地正在重新定义调味艺术。GURUGURU SHAKASHAKA,这家由Torafu Architects设计的专业盐品店,将零售体验与互动美食学巧妙融合。这个50平方米的转角空间紧邻其姐妹店"立吃梅干屋",邀请顾客在一个既实用又视觉震撼的环境中探索盐的广阔世界。








设计的点睛之笔是霓虹"盐"字招牌,与邻近的梅干店的"梅"字招牌形成了视觉对话。这个深思熟虑的细节不仅提升了品牌辨识度,还将GURUGURU SHAKASHAKA确立为东京美食版图上的必访之地——在各方面成为一个真正物有所值的空间。


团队 – TORAFU ARCHITECTS(トラフ建築設計事務所)由铃野浩一和禿真哉于2004年共同创立,已成为建筑设计界的一股创新力量。这家总部位于东京的多元化事务所凭借其在建筑、室内设计、展览策划和产品设计方面的创新手法赢得了国际声誉。


该设计团队秉持以建筑思维为根基的理念,不断突破传统设计的界限。他们的作品集展现了惊人的多样性,涵盖从"港北住宅"等住宅项目到"NIKE 1LOVE"等商业空间,以及"空气之器"和"格列佛桌"等富有创意的产品设计。该事务所在创造沉浸式空间体验方面的专长,在2011年米兰设计周为佳能打造的"光之织机"装置中得到充分体现,并荣获ELITA设计大奖最佳展览奖。他们的作品屡获殊荣,包括多项优良设计奖和享有盛誉的红点设计大奖。




在两位创始人的持续领导下,TORAFU ARCHITECTS始终站在建筑创新的前沿,不断交付挑战认知、重新定义空间体验的项目。他们的作品持续影响着业界,为建筑设计领域的创造力和功能性树立了新标准。



Team:Torafu Architects

Size:51.12 m² 

Location:Tokyo, Japan



Project - In the heart of Tokyo Solamachi, a new culinary destination is redefining the art of seasoning. GURUGURU SHAKASHAKA, a specialty salt shop designed by Torafu Architects, offers a unique blend of retail experience and interactive gastronomy. This 50㎡ corner space, adjacent to its sister store TACHIGUI UMEBOSHI YA, invites patrons to explore the vast world of salt in a setting that is both functional and visually striking.


The shop's centerpiece is an expansive L-shaped counter, strategically positioned to welcome visitors from two directions. Here, customers can embark on a sensory journey, creating bespoke salt blends while sampling varieties on blue agar cubes – a nod to the sea's influence on this essential mineral.


Behind the counter, a mesmerizing display of 600 blended salts transforms the wall into a library of flavors, facilitating efficient consultations while showcasing the shop's extensive range. The interior's color palette draws inspiration from salt itself, with fixtures adorned in blue-dyed linden plywood, evoking images of crystalline deposits and ocean depths.


A playful touch comes in the form of a customized barber sign, reimagined as a rotating centerpiece that highlights original salt blends and related products. Hand-drawn illustrations featuring the store's mascots, "GURUGURU" and "SHAKASHAKA," infuse the space with charm and personality.


The design's pièce de résistance is the neon "SHIO" (Salt) sign, which creates a visual dialogue with the "Ume" sign of the neighboring UMEBOSHI shop. This thoughtful detail not only enhances brand recognition but also establishes GURUGURU SHAKASHAKA as a must-visit destination in Tokyo's culinary landscape – a space that is truly worth its salt.


Design Team - TORAFU ARCHITECTS, founded in 2004 by Koichi Suzuno and Shinya Kamuro, has established itself as a visionary force in the architectural design industry. Based in Tokyo, this multidisciplinary firm has garnered international acclaim for its innovative approach to architecture, interior design, exhibition planning, and product design.


With a philosophy rooted in architectural thinking, TORAFU ARCHITECTS consistently pushes the boundaries of conventional design. Their portfolio showcases a remarkable versatility, ranging from residential projects like the "Hongoku no Jutaku" to commercial spaces such as "NIKE 1LOVE" and inventive product designs like the "Air Vase" and "Gulliver Table."


The firm's expertise in creating immersive spatial experiences is exemplified by their award-winning installation "Light Loom" for Canon at Milano Salone 2011, which received the ELITA Design Award for Best Exhibition. Their work has been recognized with numerous accolades, including multiple Good Design Awards and the prestigious Red Dot Award.


A keen attention to materiality, spatial efficiency, and user experience characterizes TORAFU ARCHITECTS' approach. Their projects often feature innovative uses of traditional materials, creating functional and aesthetically striking spaces. The firm's ability to seamlessly blend interior and exterior elements is particularly noteworthy, as seen in their "OUTSIDE IN" concept for recent projects.


Under the continued leadership of Suzuno and Kamuro, TORAFU ARCHITECTS remains at the forefront of architectural innovation, consistently delivering projects that challenge perceptions and redefine spatial experiences. Their work continues to influence the industry, setting new standards for creativity and functionality in architectural design.

51.12 m²

Tokyo, Japan


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