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One River North
MAD Architects

项目名称:One River North 住宅



面积:342,674平方英尺 / 16层,187个租赁单元


摄影师:Iwan Baan, Parrish Ruiz de Velasco



项目 – One River North是MAD建筑事务所在丹佛河北艺术区(RiNo)打造的开创性住宅项目,巧妙地将自然景观与城市建筑融为一体。这座十六层玻璃塔楼最显著的特征是其戏剧性的"峡谷裂缝"立面,创造出一个贯穿建筑外部的四层垂直景观。这一创新设计方法通过在雕塑般的空隙中整合13,000平方英尺的景观露台、水景和空中花园,重新定义了传统的高层居住方式。




该项目体现了MAD建筑事务所致力于创造超越纯功能性的情感共鸣建筑的承诺。通过对材料、空间流动和环境整合的精心考虑,One River North在高密度城市住宅与生物亲和设计原则之间取得了显著的平衡。


团队 –  MAD建筑事务所由马岩松于2004年创立,已发展成为一家以创新性地将有机形态与当代城市语境融合而闻名的全球建筑实践机构。在马岩松、党群和早野洋介的领导下,事务所不断突破建筑表达的边界,同时保持着与东方哲学和自然元素的深刻联系。







Project Name: One River North

Location: River North Art District (RiNo), Denver, Colorado, USA

Architecture: MAD Architects

Area: 342,674 square feet / 16 floors, 187 rental units

Retail Space: 9,000 square feet

Completion: 2024

Photographers: Iwan Baan, Parrish Ruiz de Velasco



Project - One River North stands as a groundbreaking residential development in Denver's River North Art District (RiNo), where MAD Architects has masterfully merged natural landscapes with urban architecture. The sixteen-story glass tower's most distinctive feature is its dramatic "canyon-crack" façade, which creates a four-story vertical landscape that winds through the building's exterior. This innovative design approach transforms traditional high-rise living by integrating 13,000 square feet of landscaped terraces, water features, and aerial gardens within its sculptural void.


Completed in 2024, the 342,674-square-foot development houses 187 rental units and 9,000 square feet of street-level retail space. The project's architectural expression draws direct inspiration from Colorado's rugged mountain terrain and dramatic canyons, creating an unprecedented dialogue between natural and built environments. The design's most innovative aspect lies in its reinterpretation of public space in vertical development, where the carved canyon serves as both a visual spectacle and a functional amenity space that promotes community interaction and wellness.


The project exemplifies MAD Architects' commitment to creating emotionally resonant architecture that transcends mere functionality. Through careful consideration of materials, spatial flow, and environmental integration, One River North achieves a remarkable balance between high-density urban housing and biophilic design principles.


Design Team - MAD Architects, founded in 2004 by Ma Yansong, has established itself as a global architectural practice known for its innovative fusion of organic forms with contemporary urban contexts. Under the leadership of Ma Yansong, Dang Qun, and Yosuke Hayano, the firm has consistently pushed the boundaries of architectural expression while maintaining a profound connection to eastern philosophy and natural elements.


The practice's portfolio spans diverse typologies, from cultural institutions to residential developments, with offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, Rome, and Jiaxing. Their groundbreaking work first gained international recognition with the Absolute Towers in Mississauga (2006), marking them as the first Chinese architecture firm to design an overseas landmark building. This was followed by significant cultural projects including the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Los Angeles and the Harbin Opera House, each demonstrating MAD's ability to create architecture that responds to both site context and cultural narrative.


MAD's design philosophy centers on the concept of "Shanshui City," which envisions architecture as a medium for connecting people with nature in urban environments. This approach has garnered numerous prestigious commissions and accolades, with their work being collected by institutions such as Centre Pompidou and M+ Museum, solidifying their position as pioneers in contemporary architectural discourse.


342674 ft²

Denver, Colorado, USA


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