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项目 –  COLLAGE DESIGN STUDIO在曼谷赋予了一栋年迈的住宅新的生命,打造了引人入胜的“多元素混合住宅”。这栋有着50年历史的老旧建筑曾见证了悲剧,如今却被重新诠释为一处当代避风港,向过去的故事致敬。面对有限的翻新预算,建筑师们接受了挑战,发现了令人惊喜的保存完好的木质框架结构,拥有如今难觅的宽阔坚固的地板规格。他们将楼梯重新布置在室外,旧主人的办公室则被改造成惹人注目的泳池休息区,嵌置在原始的坚韧混凝土拱棚之下。为了获得私密性,他们设计了别出心裁的S形蜿蜒布局的纤维水泥板围墙,巧妙地遮蔽与展露错落有致。这种雕塑般的元素区隔空间之余又营造了互联,体现了新旧融合的设计理念。住宅下层区域模仿传统泰式住宅开阔的底层生活区,内外空间流畅贯通、光线充足。而在上层主卧,现代材料与历史建筑结构对比鲜明,延续新旧之间的有机融合。曾经黯淡窄小的楼梯如今成为贯穿各层、融合内外的亮点。整个住宅更是将珍贵的遗存与当代元素巧妙融合,谱写了一曲跨越代际的坚韧篇章,续写着对过往的缅怀与对未来的期许。

团队 –  COLLAGE DESIGN STUDIO成立于2012年,这家总部位于曼谷的建筑事务所秉持着一种前卫理念——"拥抱不完美之美"。在首席设计师斉.索伊斯湾和帕提查.瓦尼查的领导下,该工作室开创性地倡导在建筑设计中欣赏瑕疵、不完美和随机性的美学。有别于执迷于追求完美无瑕,他们专注于发掘有机瑕疵和材料随时光流转的自然形态之美。他们坚持因地制宜,巧妙融入现有的不完美元素,让项目在与环境深度交融中自然演绎、真挚生长。对其而言,约束并非是设计的限制,而是点燃创意灵感的契机。在突破常规美学定义的过程中,他们乐于在局限中发现非凡设计可能。这种大胆探索的理念在建筑同行中引起共鸣,启发同仁挖掘瑕疵背后潜在的独特魅力。在他们手中,建筑空间绽放别具一格的神奇魅力,唤起人们内心的惊艳与赞叹。缺陷以意料之外的细节展现,赋予作品饱满的质感和灵动气质,在精神层面与人产生深入共鸣。通过设计团队内互帮互助、集思广益的协作氛围,其不断突破概念边界,持续重塑建筑美学。


Project - Breathing new life into an aging Bangkok residence, COLLAGE DESIGN STUDIO has crafted the captivating S Wall House. What began as a modest 50-yearold structure bore witness to tragedy before being reimagined into a contemporary sanctuary that pays homage to its storied past. The architects embraced the challenge of renovating within a tight budget, uncovering a remarkably intact wooden framework with wide, durable floor planks rarely seen today. Relocating the staircase outdoors allowed the former father's office to be repurposed into a striking pool area nested beneath the original resilient concrete arches. Privacy concerns sparked the ingenious inclusion of the sinuous "S" wall - a folding fiber cement partition that gracefully conceals and reveals. This sculptural element delineates space while fostering connectivity, embodying the fusion of old and new that defines the project. Echoing the traditional Thai Taitun design of open-air living areas beneath elevated homes, the downstairs blends nahtreen and outdoor realms in a light-filled setting. Upstairs, the juxtaposition of modern materials against the heritage structure continues in the master suite. The once-dim stairway now forms a luminous core linking floors and blurring indoor/outdoor boundaries. Throughout, cherished remnants intermingle with contemporary insertions, crafting an intergenerational narrative of resilience that honors the past while embracing new beginnings.

Design Team - Established in 2012, Collage Design Studio is a Bangkok-based architectural practice guided by the radical notion of "embracing the perfection of imperfection." Under the leadership of principals Cherdsak Soisuwan and Puttichart Wanichtat, the firm has pioneered an avant-garde design ethos that celebrates flaws, imperfections and the opportunistic in architecture. Deviating from the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, Collage finds beauty in organic imperfections and the natural progression of materials over time. Their contextually grounded designs incorporate existing imperfections seamlessly, allowing projects to evolve authentically while fostering a deep connection to their environments. Rather than viewing constraints as limitations, Collage sees them as catalysts for ingenuity. Limits spark remarkable design solutions as the practice uncovers new possibilities by challenging conventions of beauty and design. This exploratory approach resonates with the architectural community, inspiring colleagues to discover the hidden potentials in imperfection. Through their built work, Collage crafts captivating spaces that evoke wonder, surprise and delight. Imperfections manifest as unexpected detailing that imbues the firm's designs with a soulful, textured character resonating at a profound human level. By fostering a collaborative studio culture, the team continuously pushes conceptual boundaries to redefine architectural beauty.

308 m²



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