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West Glow 办公零售大楼
Society of Architecture


项目 –  这座由建Society of Architecture设计的West Glow 办公零售大楼,坐落于首尔历史悠久的紫霞门路,将透明度与匠心工艺巧妙融合,成为城市肌理中一段怡人的对话。这座522平方米的建筑于2023年竣工,优雅地介入不断演变的都市景观,为城市天际线带来全新诠释。大楼的立面设计可谓匠心独运,在与街道持续景观融为一体的同时,亦突出其独特个性。建筑师运用了对位手法,将流动的玻璃表皮与内里坚实的框架结构制造出交响乐般的复调,透明与不透明的视觉张力营造出光影熠熠的节奏感,引人驻足探寻这件分层立体之作的设计奥秘。该建筑最与众不同之处,在于其对细节和工艺的不懈追求。曲面玻璃板以渐变液态陶瓷镀层勾勒出波浪般的肌理,宛如吹玻璃师傅在工作室里熟练吹制玻璃管的优美身姿,将建筑物从单纯的功能性结构提升为应该被仔细欣赏的艺术品。除了视觉冲击力,其本身亦饱含对街坊生活设施的谦逊理解,为这座城市日益增长的混合空间需求提供一份睿智回应。大楼巧妙融合了商业零售与办公功能,在其内壁间孕育出工作、休闲与社区的和谐共生。

团队 –  Society of Architecture (SoA)是2010年在首尔创立的充满活力的建筑设计团队,正逐步打破建筑设计的界限。这个年轻团队由姜叙麟和李智勋两位主理人带领,他们以调查研究的方式出发,深入分析建筑与城市主义的社会环境,从中汲取灵感,实践多元且跨尺度的创作。SoA团队对现代生活方式有着深刻的理解,他们不断探寻新的可能性,希望通过建筑思维拓展建筑环境的内涵,将之运用于家具、室内、公共艺术、研究、出版等多个领域。他们的实践还与城市社会学、政治地理学、历史学、艺术等不同学科开展了丰富的跨界合作。SoA凭借创新的作品,曾获得诸多殊荣,包括2020韩国设计大奖、2020首尔建筑大奖及2023年韩国建筑史学会设计大奖等。除了在威尼斯双年展、光州设计双年展、MAXXI、国立现代美术馆、首尔市立美术馆等知名场馆举办展览,SoA还曾担任2017年"首尔建筑与城市主义双年展"的"生产城市"策展人,并受邀参加2023年威尼斯双年展韩国馆。一直以来,Society of Architecture以其超越传统的跨领域求知欲和参与度,成为当代建筑设计团队中充满创新活力的新生代先锋。


Project - Nestled along the historic Jahamun-ro street in Seoul, South Korea, the West Glow Office and Retail Building by Society of Architecture emerges as a captivating dialogue between transparency and craftsmanship. Completed in 2023, this 522- square-meter edifice gracefully intervenes in the ever-evolving urban fabric, offering a fresh interpretation of the cityscape. The building's façade, a true masterpiece, seamlessly blends into the continuous streetscape while asserting its unique identity. Employing a counterpoint approach, the architects have created a polyphonic symphony by juxtaposing an undulating glass skin with the solid framework beneath. This interplay of transparency and opacity generates a rhythmic play of light and shadow, inviting passersby to explore the depths of its layered surfaces. What truly sets West Glow apart is its meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship. The curved glass panels, adorned with a gradient of liquid ceramic coating, exhibit a wave-like pattern that evokes the delicate artistry of glassblowing. This commitment to craftsmanship elevates the building from a mere functional structure to a work of art that demands appreciation. Beyond its visual allure, West Glow embraces its role as a neighborhood living facility, offering a humble yet thoughtful response to the city's ever-growing need for mixeduse spaces. By gracefully integrating commercial and office functions, the building fosters a harmonious coexistence of work, leisure, and community within its walls.

Design Team - Founded in 2010 in Seoul, Society of Architecture (SoA) is a dynamic collective pushing the boundaries of architectural practice. Led by principals Yerin Kang and Chihoon Lee, this young firm takes an investigative approach, analyzing the social conditions of architecture and urbanism to inform their diverse, multi-scalar work. With a deep understanding of modern lifestyles, SoA searches for new possibilities to enrich the built environment through architectural thinking applied across furniture, interiors, public art, research, publications, and more. Their practice is enriched by collaborations spanning urban sociology, political geography, history, and art. SoA's inventive work has earned significant recognition, including the 2015 Young Architects Project award for Upo Nature Library, The Rabbit, and the Gender Equality Policy Expert Library. They were winners of the 2015 Young Architects Program organized by MMCA, MoMA, and Hyundai Card, later nominated as 2016 AR Emerging Architecture finalists for Roof Sentiment. With an impressive array of awards, exhibitions at prestigious venues like the Venice Biennale, and thought-provoking publications, SoA exemplifies an architectural practice transcending traditional boundaries through its multidisciplinary curiosity and engagement.

522 m²



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