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项目 – 位于东京港区一条狭窄街道旁的"WOWK 芝公园"办公楼,由柿木佑介+广冈周 平/PERSIMMON HILLS 建筑事务所设计,对传统办公建筑类型提出了别开生面的独到 诠释。作为一座追求现代社会新型办公方式的租赁办公楼,建筑师旨在营造促进交流 的空间氛围,打造"城市新景观"。设计大胆打破了单一、均质化的标准楼层平面的僵化 模式,通过巧妙布置疏散楼梯和雕塑般的建筑立面体块,每个楼层都被赋予了独特的 个性空间。边界的打破孕育出富有特色的空间,精心设计的开口、材料和体量为采光 需求作了应对。设计师着眼于周边小规模工作场所与步行流线交织而成的独特城市肌 理,试图将这种工作生活一体化的魅力延展为垂直景观。随着现代各类技术的发展, 小型组织和个体不再受制于规模,能够承担大型工作,他们需要一个能积极工作和交 流的动态场所,这正是本项目回应的现代需求。通过这一操作,他们构筑出了诗意盎 然的全新办公体验,让新旧语境在此交融激荡:展现出小型团队和个体能够聚集、互 动、并重塑城市未来面貌的愿景。这一极具创意的方案体现了创新的空间理念如何为 密集城市地区注入活力,使"WOWK 芝公园"办公楼成为真正开拓性的建筑力作。

团队 – PERSIMMON HILLS architects 是一家总部设在大阪的实验性建筑设计工作室, 由柿木佑介(1986 年生)和广冈周平(1985 年生)于 2016 年创立。该工作室致力于 概念性设计的探索,业务范围广泛,涵盖建筑、室内、产品设计和城市规划等。设计 团队根据场地条件创造定制解决方案,如住田町社区中心的设计理念,突显了当地文 化语境和传统工艺。他们的作品组合体现了可持续发展和面向社区的设计理念,如区 域振兴项目和灾后重建项目。该工作室凭借简约优雅、关注社会的作品,广受好评并 获得如日本商业环境设计协会“JCD 设计奖”以及日本建筑师学会优秀建筑评选等奖项。


Project - Nestled along a narrow street in Tokyo's Minato ward, the WOWK Shiba Koen building by Yusuke Kakinoki + Shuhei Hirooka / PERSIMMON HILLS architects is a refreshing reinterpretation of the conventional office typology. Designed as a rental office pursuing new ways of working befitting our modern society, the architects aimed to foster interaction and craft an architecture that becomes "a new urban landscape."


Defying the monotony of stacked, generic floor plates, the daring design strategically positions the emergency stairwell and sculptural massing to disrupt the "standard floor" on each level. This breakdown of boundaries generates unique, characterful spaces with carefully modulated openings, materials, and volumes that respond to daylighting requirements.


Inspired by the surrounding urban fabric of small-scale workplaces interwoven with pedestrian pathways, the architects sought to verticalize this appealing integrated work-live environment. By doing so, they crafted a novel workplace experience that poetically bridges old and new contexts - envisioning a future where tightknit teams and individuals can gather, interact dynamically, and shape the city's evolving identity.


This ingenious scheme exemplifies how innovative spatial concepts can breathe new life into dense urban areas, making WOWK Shiba Koen a truly pioneering architectural statement.


Design Team - Persimmon Hills Architects is an experimental Osaka-based studio founded in 2016 by Yusuke Kakinoki and Shuhei Hirooka. Dedicated to pursuing conceptual depth, the firm engages in diverse projects spanning architecture, interiors, product design and urban strategies. Persimmon Hills creates site-specific solutions, like the intricate wooden lattice of Community Center, that foreground local context and craftsmanship. Their portfolio reveals a commitment to sustainability and community-oriented design, evidenced in regional revitalization projects and disaster recovery initiatives. The studio has garnered awards from JCD Design Awards for their elegantly minimalist, socially-conscious work. As lecturers and guest critics, Kakinoki and Hirooka are active in fostering the next generation of Japanese architects.

342.05 m²



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