Collage Design Studio

COLLAGE DESIGN STUDIO成立于2012年,这家总部位于曼谷的建筑事务所秉持着一种前卫理念——"拥抱不完美之美"。在首席设计师斉.索伊斯湾和帕提查.瓦尼查的领导下,该工作室开创性地倡导在建筑设计中欣赏瑕疵、不完美和随机性的美学。有别于执迷于追求完美无瑕,他们专注于发掘有机瑕疵和材料随时光流转的自然形态之美。
在他们手中,建筑空间绽放别具一格的神奇魅力,唤起人们内心的惊艳与赞叹。缺陷以意料之外的细节展现,赋予作品饱满的质感和灵动气质,在精神层面与人产生深入共鸣。通过设计团队内互帮互助、集思广益的协作氛围,其不断突破概念边界,持续重塑建筑美学。 Established in 2012, Collage Design Studio is a Bangkok-based architectural practice guided by the radical notion of "embracing the perfection of imperfection." Under the leadership of principals Cherdsak Soisuwan and Puttichart Wanichtat, the firm has pioneered an avant-garde design ethos that celebrates flaws, imperfections and the opportunistic in architecture. Deviating from the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, Collage finds beauty in organic imperfections and the natural progression of materials over time.
Their contextually grounded designs incorporate existing imperfections seamlessly, allowing projects to evolve authentically while fostering a deep connection to their environments. Rather than viewing constraints as limitations, Collage sees them as catalysts for ingenuity. Limits spark remarkable design solutions as the practice uncovers new possibilities by challenging conventions of beauty and design.
This exploratory approach resonates with the architectural community, inspiring colleagues to discover the hidden potentials in imperfection. Through their built work, Collage crafts captivating spaces that evoke wonder, surprise and delight. Imperfections manifest as unexpected detailing that imbues the firm's designs with a soulful, textured character resonating at a profound human level. By fostering a collaborative studio culture, the team continuously pushes conceptual boundaries to redefine architectural beauty.