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Kadre Architects


Kadre Architects

成立于2022年的Kadre建筑事务所,由美国建筑师Nerin Kadribegovic创立,总部位于加州帕萨迪纳市,是社会意识建筑设计领域的先锋。这家新锐设计事务所迅速确立了自身在应对复杂城市挑战方面的领导地位,尤其在住房危机和环境可持续性领域表现突出。






Kadre建筑事务所大力提倡建筑环境的改造再利用和碳中和,始终倡导通过改造现有建筑来减少资源消耗。他们目前的项目涵盖了一系列具有社会影响力的计划,包括为无家可归者提供长期住房、Project Homekey改造项目,以及创新的家庭住房和食品设施原型。



Kadre Architects, founded in 2022 by Nerin Kadribegovic, FAIA, IIDA, is a Pasadena-based firm at the forefront of socially conscious architectural design. Emerging as a catalyst for change, the practice has quickly established itself as a leader in addressing complex urban challenges, particularly in the realm of housing crises and environmental sustainability.


The firm's portfolio showcases a remarkable ability to navigate restrictive design parameters while prioritizing economy and social impact. Kadre's approach to the Los Angeles housing crisis during the pandemic exemplifies their innovative problem-solving, resulting in award-winning solutions that have gained international recognition.


At the core of Kadre's philosophy is a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration. The firm actively engages stakeholders from diverse fields, including technology, engineering, finance, and government, to create holistic, sustainable solutions. This synergistic approach allows Kadre to tackle critical issues facing metropolitan centers worldwide, from displacement to socio-economic crises.


Kadre Architects champions adaptive reuse and carbon neutrality in the built environment, consistently advocating for the repurposing of existing structures to minimize resource consumption. Their current projects span a range of socially impactful initiatives, including long-term housing for the unhoused, Project Homekey conversions, and innovative prototypes for family housing and food facilities.


Under Kadribegovic's leadership, Kadre Architects is redefining the role of architecture in social change, proving that thoughtful design can be a powerful tool in addressing some of society's most pressing challenges.

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