NORM Architects

成立于2008年的Norm Architects已然成为当代丹麦设计领域的中坚力量,通过感官参与和极简主义美学重新诠释了建筑环境。这家总部位于哥本哈根的多专业设计工作室由创始合伙人Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen和Kasper Rønn Von Lotzbeck领衔,培育出一种独特的设计方法,巧妙融合了建筑、室内设计和工业设计。
凭借15年的国际经验,Norm Architects的作品涵盖住宅、酒店和商业项目,每一个项目都体现了他们对触觉设计原则的坚持。该工作室的核心理念在于将复杂的设计挑战提炼为纯粹、共鸣的形式,在满足普遍人性需求的同时,对特定场地环境保持高度敏感。
工作室的作品以对材质、光线和比例的细腻理解见长,这一理解既源于斯堪的纳维亚设计传统,又融合了全球当代影响。通过触觉体验重新激活建筑的感官属性,Norm Architects创造出能在人性深处引起共鸣的环境,满足人类对归属感、自主性和身份认同的内在渴望。 Established in 2008, Norm Architects has emerged as a pivotal force in contemporary Danish design, reimagining the built environment through a lens of sensory engagement and minimalist sophistication. This Copenhagen-based multidisciplinary studio, led by founding partners Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn Von Lotzbeck, has cultivated a distinctive approach that seamlessly blends architecture, interior design, and industrial design.
Drawing on 15 years of international experience, Norm Architects' portfolio spans residential, hospitality, and commercial projects, each exemplifying their commitment to haptic design principles. The firm's ethos centers on distilling complex design challenges into pure, resonant forms that address universal human needs while remaining acutely attuned to site-specific contexts.
Norm's design philosophy is rooted in a meticulous process of reduction, seeking the precise moment when function and aesthetics achieve perfect equilibrium. This pursuit of essence results in spaces and objects that not only satisfy visual criteria but also engage the full spectrum of human senses, fostering a profound connection between user and environment.
The studio's work is characterized by a nuanced understanding of materiality, light, and proportion, informed by both Scandinavian design traditions and global contemporary influences. By re-sensualizing architecture through tactile experiences, Norm Architects creates environments that resonate on a deeply human level, addressing innate desires for belonging, autonomy, and identity.