Sheppard Robson

Sheppard Robson是一家来自英国的跨领域建筑与设计机构,始于1938年由Sir Richard Sheppard和Jean Shufflebottom夫妇创立,后于上世纪50年代迎来了Geoffrey Robson作为合伙人加入。如今,这家拥有360名员工的事务所已发展成为一个不断演进的创意平台,团队由建筑师、室内设计师和总体规划师组成,在合伙人的带领下通力合作。
该事务所将设计视为一个驱动型过程,过程中蕴含着创意、技术和理念的交流。他们以人为本的方法会借助解读性互动环节,听取最终用户的心声,并据此检验和优化创新理念,力求在保留先锋精神的同时予以完善。每一个项目的实践都将促进Sheppard Robson重新思考我们的生活、工作、学习和娱乐方式,以求在有限资源的地球上实现人与自然的更好平衡。设计团队的专长包括室内设计部门ID:SR以及基础设施专家AXIS,使精湛的设计工艺得以延伸至跨领域。
秉承可持续发展和回应社会需求的优良传统,Sheppard Robson一直致力于应对紧迫的全球挑战,靠协作交流的力量,谋求打造一个更为包容、资源友好的建筑环境。
Sheppard Robson is an interdisciplinary architecture and design collective founded in 1938 by Sir Richard Sheppard and Jean Shufflebottom, later joined by Geoffrey Robson as a partner in the 1950s. Today, the 360-person strong firm operates as an ever-evolving creative hub encompassing architects, interior designers, and master planners under a collaborative partnership model.
The practice approaches design as a transformative process driven by creative, technical, and intellectual exchange. Their people-centric methodology engages end-users through an interpretive process to test and fine-tune pioneering ideas without compromising innovative spirit. Each project advances Sheppard Robson's mission to rethink how we live, work, learn and play in pursuit of a better human-nature balance.
Key specialisms include Sheppard Robson's interior design arm ID:SR and infrastructure experts AXIS, extending the collective's design precision across disciplines. The firm is actively cultivating the next generation through community initiatives and an open studio culture that nurtures emerging talents.
With a robust legacy prioritizing sustainability and societal impact, Sheppard Robson continues probing urgent global challenges. The current partnership admirably upholds the founders' vision - harnessing the power of collaborative exchange to shape a more inclusive, resource-conscious built environment.