Shin Aoki & Partners

青木真研究室(Shin Aoki & Partners)成立于2021年,是一家位于东京的新锐建筑事务所,致力于空间创新与以人为本的设计交汇。主持建筑师青木真在隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所(2019-2024)的工作经历为其带来了宝贵的经验,使事务所迅速在日本当代建筑领域确立了其独特的思考声音。
跨学科团队包括平面设计师饭塚大和和木工匠人西村俊贵,通过严谨的研究和原型设计来处理每个项目。他们的作品特点是对材料的细致考量、创新的空间序列设计,以及对环境性能的敏锐关注。其作品集展现了他们致力于创造超越纯功能需求的建筑的承诺,通过对触觉品质、自然光线和空间流动的细致关注,专注于打造提升用户体验的空间。 Founded in 2021, Shin Aoki & Partners (SAAP) is an emerging Tokyo-based architectural practice that sits at the intersection of spatial innovation and human-centric design. Led by Principal Architect Shin Aoki, who brings valuable experience from his tenure at Kengo Kuma & Associates (2019-2024), the studio has rapidly established itself as a thoughtful voice in Japan's contemporary architectural scene.
The practice's methodology is deeply rooted in phenomenological approaches to architecture, emphasizing the experiential quality of spaces while addressing contemporary social and environmental challenges. Following his education at The University of Tokyo and international experience at firms including Vo Trong Nghia Architects and Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Aoki has developed a distinctive design philosophy that merges Japanese spatial traditions with contemporary programmatic needs.
The interdisciplinary team, including graphic designer Yamato Iizuka and master carpenter Toshiki Nishimura, approaches each project through rigorous research and prototyping. Their work is characterized by a careful consideration of materiality, innovative spatial sequences, and an acute awareness of environmental performance.
SAAP's portfolio demonstrates their commitment to creating architecture that transcends mere functional requirements, instead focusing on crafting spaces that enhance user experience through careful attention to tactile qualities, natural light, and spatial flow.