Studio Gang

Studio Gang建筑事务所,由建筑师Jeanne Gang于1997年创立,已成为当代建筑和城市设计领域的重要力量之一。总部位于芝加哥,在纽约、旧金山和巴黎设有分支机构,该事务所凭借其创新、生态敏感和具有社会责任感的设计方法赢得了国际赞誉。
在Jeanne Gang的领导下,事务所发展出了一种独特的方法论,将严谨的研究与大胆的实验相结合,成果是一系列跨越多种尺度和类型的多元化项目。从文化机构和教育设施到高层建筑和公共空间,Studio Gang的作品以其能够在人、社区和环境之间建立有意义的联系而著称。
事务所的跨学科团队由建筑师、设计师和城市规划师组成,他们与客户和各领域的专家密切合作,创造出不仅在美学上引人注目,而且具有高性能和可持续性的建筑和空间。代表作包括芝加哥波浪状的Aqua大厦、纽约美国自然历史博物馆充满自然灵感的Richard Gilder中心,以及最近竣工的阿肯色美术馆。
Studio Gang致力于"可行的理想主义",这一点在他们的研究计划和出版物中表露无遗,探讨了城市生态、气候适应性和建成环境中的社会公平等紧迫问题。这种前瞻性的方法为事务所赢得了众多荣誉,包括美国国家设计奖,以及《时代》杂志2019年将Jeanne Gang评为世界最具影响力人物之一。
Studio Gang, founded in 1997 by visionary architect Jeanne Gang, FAIA, has emerged as a leading force in contemporary architecture and urban design. Headquartered in Chicago with offices in New York, San Francisco, and Paris, the firm has garnered international acclaim for its innovative, ecologically sensitive, and socially conscious approach to design.
Under Gang's leadership, the practice has developed a distinctive methodology that marries rigorous research with bold experimentation, resulting in a diverse portfolio of projects that span multiple scales and typologies. From cultural institutions and educational facilities to high-rise towers and public spaces, Studio Gang's work is characterized by its ability to forge meaningful connections between people, communities, and the environment.
The firm's interdisciplinary team of architects, designers, and urbanists collaborates closely with clients and specialists from various fields to create buildings and spaces that are not only aesthetically striking but also performative and sustainable. Notable projects include the undulating Aqua Tower in Chicago, the nature-inspired Richard Gilder Center at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the recently completed Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts.
Studio Gang's commitment to "actionable idealism" is evident in their research initiatives and publications, which explore pressing issues such as urban ecology, climate resilience, and social equity in the built environment. This forward-thinking approach has earned the firm numerous accolades, including the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in Architecture and TIME magazine's recognition of Jeanne Gang as one of the world's most influential people in 2019.