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Thellend Fortin Architectes

Thellend Fortin Architectes


成立于2007年的Thellend Fortin建筑事务所已然成为魁北克建筑界的领军力量。在Louis Thellend和Lisa-Marie Fortin这对充满活力的搭档的带领下,该事务所因其创新的设计方法而备受赞誉,尤其体现在其对环境语境的无缝融入和对生态敏感性的高度重视。




Thellend Fortin的作品以形式与功能的巧妙结合而著称,常常运用融合本地特色和现代美学的材料组合。事务所在因地制宜的解决方案上表现卓越,比如在奥福德住宅项目中对地形的巧妙利用和自然元素的融入就是明证。


两位主创为事务所带来了丰富的国际经验。Lisa-Marie Fortin在社区生态住宅开发方面的背景,以及Louis Thellend在大型公共建筑项目上的专长,为事务所的全方位建筑实践奠定了基础。


凭借众多奖项和荣誉,Thellend Fortin建筑事务所不断推动当代设计的边界,创造出不仅视觉上引人注目,而且深度回应环境和文化语境的空间作品。

 Founded in 2007, Thellend Fortin Architectes has established itself as a leading force in Quebec's architectural landscape. Led by the dynamic duo of Louis Thellend and Lisa-Marie Fortin, the firm has garnered recognition for its innovative approach to design that seamlessly integrates with context and prioritizes environmental sensitivity.


The practice's portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from residential masterpieces like the Orford House to larger-scale institutional works. Their design philosophy is rooted in a deep understanding of contemporary living patterns and a commitment to addressing current architectural challenges.


Thellend Fortin's work is characterized by a sophisticated interplay of form and function, often employing a material palette that references local vernacular while embracing modern aesthetics. The firm excels in site-specific solutions, as evidenced by their skillful manipulation of topography and integration of natural elements in projects like the Orford House.


The principals bring a wealth of international experience to their practice. Lisa-Marie Fortin's background in community-based ecological residential development and Louis Thellend's expertise in large-scale institutional projects contribute to the firm's holistic approach to architecture.


With numerous awards and accolades to their name, Thellend Fortin Architectes continues to push the boundaries of contemporary design, creating spaces that are not only visually striking but also deeply responsive to their environmental and cultural contexts.

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