WOS Architects

WOS Architects 创办于 2019 年,是一家坐落于曼谷的精品建筑工作室,由普 策萨坤·科努顿和奥恩派林·丽拉斯里翁两位建筑师联袂领导。虽然规模不大,但 WOS 的作品有口皆碑,业务范围包括建筑设计、室内设计以及许多难以简单归类的创新项 目。该工作室的设计理念追求简约实用,同时也大胆拥抱模糊性。
WOS 将建筑视为营 造人与环境、主人与客人、人与自然之间的场所,他们的作品努力打破建筑与环境之 间的界限。
WOS 这个名字本身就体现了他们的多元设计哲学——它可被视为三个无意 义的英文字母,也可从泰语字母中解读为"足够"的含义。这种开放的解释性贯穿于他们 的建筑语言中,拒绝刻板约束,而是根据具体环境因地制宜。从像 JY 住宅这样的城市紧 凑型改造,到小 C 烘焙店这种更加宽阔的项目,WOS 都能娴熟地在各种约束条件下, 运用理性简约的手法。但他们也总能将微妙的模糊性融入其中,营造出引发新视角的 空间体验。
对于这个新兴工作室而言,创意源于探索可能性而非概率,他们的设计定 义为简单、理性,但同时也充满了别具一格的多元性。 Founded in 2019, WOS Architects is a boutique Bangkok-based practice helmed by the duo of Prueksakun Kornudom and Ornpailin Leelasiriwong. Kornudom received his architectural training at Assumption University, while Leelasiriwong holds degrees from Chulalongkorn University and ETH Zurich's prestigious MAS Urban Design program. Though small in size, WOS punches well above its weight class, with a portfolio encompassing architectural design, interiors, and innovative projects that defy simple categorization.
The firm's design ethos prizes simplicity and practicality, but also actively embraces ambiguity. WOS conceives of architecture as crafting places not just for human dwellers, but for guests and nature as well - their work seeks to dissolve boundaries between building and environment. WOS's name itself exemplifies their multivalent approach - it can be read as three meaningless English letters, or interpreted from the Thai alphabet as meaning "enough." This openness to interpretation extends to their architectural language, which resists rigid codification in favor of nuanced, contextually-driven solutions.
From compact urban renovations like the JY House to more expansive projects like the Little C Bakery Shop, WOS deftly navigates constraints with rational simplicity. Yet they also imbue each undertaking with a subtle ambiguity that provokes fresh perspectives. For this emerging studio, creativity arises from exploring possibility over probability - their practice is defined by simple, rational, yet delightfully multivalent outputs.