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“六个花园” 东京下马民宿


项目 –在东京世田谷区的中心地带,一座令人惊叹的住宅杰作拔地而起,挑战着公共和私密空间之间的界限。由ESPAD环境建筑研究所设计的"下馬民宿",重新定义了都市中宾客住所的概念。










团队 – ESPAD环境建筑研究所,由藤江通昌于1979年创立,是日本建筑界创新设计的一座灯塔。这家总部位于东京的事务所拥有超过40年的丰富经验,始终在突破环境建筑的界限,巧妙地融合形式、功能和可持续性。








Project -

In the heart of Tokyo's Setagaya ward, a striking residential masterpiece emerges, challenging the boundaries between public and private spaces. The "Shimouma Annex," designed by Yasutaka Fujie of ESPAD Environmental Architecture Institute in collaboration with Tomoaki Todome, redefines the concept of a guest house in an urban setting.


This architectural gem seamlessly integrates three distinct functions: a welcoming golf lounge for guests, a corporate hospitality space, and the owner's private living quarters. Perched atop a small hill, the residence offers breathtaking views of the surrounding neighborhood while harnessing the natural elements of wind, light, and sky in the midst of the bustling metropolis.


The design's most captivating feature is its innovative use of six unique gardens that segment the building's volume. This clever composition allows light and air to permeate every corner of the house, creating a harmonious blend of interior and exterior spaces. Each room is thoughtfully positioned to face at least one garden, with varying styles including inner gardens, light wells, and zen-inspired stone gardens.


The façade, a mesmerizing array of perforated brickwork, serves as both a functional and aesthetic marvel. This porous exterior shield adapts to seasonal and diurnal changes, filtering natural light and environmental elements into the interior. The curved form of the façade, with its gradually changing perforation pattern, not only regulates sunlight but also acts as a symbolic gateway, ushering visitors into a realm of extraordinary experiences.


This project stands as a testament to the power of architectural ingenuity, offering a sanctuary that is at once open to its surroundings and cocooned in its own world of tranquility and elegance.


Design Team - ESPAD Environmental Architecture Institute, founded in 1979 by Michimasa Fujie, stands as a beacon of innovative design in Japan's architectural landscape. With over four decades of experience, this Tokyo-based firm has consistently pushed the boundaries of environmental architecture, seamlessly blending form, function, and sustainability.


Led by the father-son duo of Michimasa and Yasutaka Fujie, ESPAD has cultivated a unique design philosophy that emphasizes the harmonious integration of built environments with their natural surroundings. Michimasa Fujie, a graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts, brings a wealth of international experience, including a stint at the University of Melbourne and work with renowned firms like Raymond Architects and EGGLESTON MACDONALD ARCHITECTS PLANNERS.


Yasutaka Fujie, joining the firm in 2017 after a significant tenure at Maki and Associates, infuses contemporary perspectives into ESPAD's established ethos. His academic background, including studies at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, contributes to the firm's global outlook.


ESPAD's portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from urban planning initiatives to intimate residential designs. Their work has garnered numerous accolades, including the prestigious Good Design Award and recognition from the Japan Institute of Architects for environmental architecture.


The firm's commitment to sustainable design principles, coupled with their expertise in creating context-sensitive structures, positions ESPAD at the forefront of Japan's architectural vanguard. Their holistic approach to architecture, considering both the micro and macro environmental impacts, continues to shape the built landscape of Japan and beyond.

409.34 m²

Tokyo, Japan


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