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“自然仿生” 壳之家
Binishells Inc.







The Shell Home in Malibu, designed by Binishells Inc., is a groundbreaking architectural project that challenges conventional construction methods and reimagines sustainable living. This 6,500 square foot residence, completed in 2022, showcases an innovative approach to design and building technology that could revolutionize the industry.

At the heart of the Shell Home's design is a unique 'Form Finding Functionality' that utilizes air pressure to create an asymmetrical thin shell structure. This method not only expedites construction but also results in a sculptural living space that seamlessly blends with its surroundings. The sinusoidal silhouette of the building emerges organically from the landscape, offering flowing interiors framed by generous organic openings that maximize views and natural light.

The construction process employs a reusable pneumatic formwork, inflated to a specified pressure, onto which steel reinforcement and concrete are applied. This technique significantly reduces material waste, labor requirements, and construction timelines while producing a more resilient and environmentally friendly structure.

The Shell Home's dual-curvature, monolithic envelope boasts impressive structural efficiency and adaptability. Made from low-carbon geopolymer concrete, it contains less than half the embodied energy of a traditional building of similar size. The thermal bridge-free design and superior insulation contribute to a remarkable 65% reduction in energy use.

This project not only pushes the boundaries of architectural expression but also sets a new standard for sustainable and resilient design, offering a glimpse into the future of construction across various scales and programs.


Binishells公司创立于60多年前,由Dante Bini博士创办,现已成为创新建筑技术的先驱。如今,在首席执行官兼总裁Nicoló Bini的领导下,公司已发展成为一家全方位的建筑设计和技术公司,引领可持续建筑实践的前沿。



Binishells的领导团队汇集了多元化的专业知识。负责研发的Dante Bini博士持续创新其原创系统。工程副总裁Ignacio Barandiáran带来了ARUP的全球项目经验。团队还有Ian Hutchinson的企业顾问技能和Esthella Provas的前瞻性营销方法作为补充。



Founded over 60 years ago by Dr. Dante Bini, Binishells has established itself as a pioneer in innovative construction technologies. The firm, now led by CEO/President Nicoló Bini, has evolved into a comprehensive architectural design and technology company at the forefront of sustainable building practices.

Binishells offers a unique integrated project delivery approach, encompassing architectural and interior design, technology transfer, R&D, construction oversight, and project marketing. Their breakthrough suite of construction systems, refined over six decades, targets critical needs in today's industry, offering significant advantages in cost-efficiency, structural integrity, and environmental performance.

The company's design philosophy is deeply rooted in biomimicry, focusing on the efficient flow of forces and structural systems inspired by nature. This approach has led to the development of their signature thin-shell structures, which provide thermal bridge-free building envelopes and enhanced architectural flexibility.

Binishells' leadership team brings together diverse expertise. Dr. Dante Bini, heading R&D, continues to innovate on his original systems. Ignacio Barandiáran, VP Engineering, brings global project experience from ARUP. The team is complemented by Ian Hutchinson's corporate advisory skills and Esthella Provas' visionary marketing approach.

Rather than constructing directly, Binishells operates on a licensing model, transferring technology to qualified contractors and developers. This strategy allows for the global diffusion of their innovative systems while providing ongoing support and updates to licensees.

Binishells' commitment to sustainability, efficiency, and architectural excellence positions them as a transformative force in the construction industry, addressing both high-end architectural markets and critical needs in affordable housing and disaster relief.

6500 ft²



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