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BLDG Workshop


坐落于风景如画的乔治亚湾,由BLDG Workshop设计的六英里湖小屋重新定义了湖畔度假的概念。这座创新的1800平方英尺住宅将建筑与自然完美融合,打造出一个与周围环境和谐共存的宁静庇护所。大胆的设计理念消除了室内外的界限,起伏的湖岸线环抱着三面,每个房间都能欣赏到全景美景。



别墅的每个细节都经过精心考虑,旨在提升其所在地的静谧之美。从精心设计房间朝向以最大化视野和自然光线,到选择与景观无缝融合的材料,设计处处体现了对环境的深刻尊重。这个项目印证了BLDG Workshop在打造不仅能庇护,更能激发灵感的空间方面的专业水平,为加拿大乔治亚湾令人惊叹的美景提供了一个独特的度假胜地。

Nestled in the picturesque Georgian Bay landscape, Six Mile Lake Cottage by BLDG Workshop redefines the concept of a lakeside retreat. This innovative 1800 square foot residence seamlessly merges architecture with nature, creating a harmonious sanctuary that celebrates its stunning surroundings. The design philosophy boldly erases the boundary between interior and exterior, with the undulating shoreline embracing the cottage on three sides, offering panoramic views from every room.

The architects have masterfully crafted a structure that acts as a bridge between human habitation and the natural world. Large sliding windows in living areas and bedrooms facilitate a fluid transition between indoor comfort and outdoor splendor, immersing occupants in the tranquil lake environment. This innovative approach to spatial design encourages a profound connection with nature, elevating the living experience to new heights.

A standout feature is the thoughtful use of Corten Steel, which not only serves as a striking architectural element but also resonates deeply with the surrounding landscape. Its weathered appearance elegantly complements the natural setting, embodying the project's commitment to sustainable design principles. This material choice exemplifies BLDG Workshop's dedication to creating spaces that age gracefully and harmonize with their environment over time.

Every aspect of Six Mile Lake Cottage has been meticulously considered to enhance the serene beauty of its location. From the careful orientation of rooms to maximize views and natural light to the selection of materials that blend seamlessly with the landscape, the design reflects a profound respect for its context. This project stands as a testament to BLDG Workshop's expertise in crafting spaces that not only shelter but also inspire, offering a unique retreat that celebrates the breathtaking beauty of Georgian Bay.


BLDG Workshop成立于2011年,由Nathan Buhler创立,已成为多伦多、马斯科卡及整个加拿大地区的顶尖建筑设计事务所之一。该事务所以其以客户为中心的方法而闻名,创造出在情感层面引起共鸣,同时巧妙回应场地特定条件的空间。


在Buhler的领导下,事务所在定制住宅建筑领域积累了丰富经验,尤其专注于将自然景观作为设计核心元素的住宅、度假村和扩建项目。BLDG Workshop采用全面的方法,涵盖室内设计、可持续实践和景观设计,从而打造出协调一致、与环境呼应的解决方案。


随着BLDG Workshop不断发展,其对情感化、以客户为导向的设计理念始终如一。事务所的成功证明了其将家和归属感等抽象概念转化为切实可感、具有建筑学意义的空间的能力,这些空间不仅丰富了居住者的生活,还为建筑环境做出了积极贡献。

Founded in 2011 by Nathan Buhler, BLDG Workshop has established itself as a preeminent architectural design firm operating across Toronto, Muskoka, and throughout Canada. The practice is renowned for its client-centric approach, creating spaces that resonate emotionally while responding intuitively to site-specific conditions.

BLDG Workshop's design philosophy centers on crafting environments that evoke a profound sense of place, emphasizing connectedness, warmth, and tranquility. This ethos is realized through a collaborative process that prioritizes client input, ensuring each project reflects its inhabitants' needs and aspirations.

Under Buhler's leadership, the firm has cultivated expertise in custom residential architecture, focusing on homes, cottages, and additions that leverage natural landscapes as integral design elements. BLDG Workshop's holistic approach encompasses interior design, sustainable practices, and landscape architecture, resulting in cohesive, contextually responsive solutions.

The studio's portfolio showcases a commitment to biophilic design principles, seamlessly integrating built forms with their surroundings. This symbiosis between architecture and nature is a hallmark of BLDG Workshop's projects, creating spaces that not only shelter but also inspire and nurture.

As BLDG Workshop continues to evolve, its dedication to emotive, client-driven design remains unwavering. The firm's success is testament to its ability to translate abstract concepts of home and belonging into tangible, architecturally significant spaces that enrich the lives of their occupants and contribute positively to the built environment.

1800 ft²



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