Dominique Coulon & associés
设计团队:Dominique Coulon & associés
建筑面积:3250 m²
摄影:Eugeni Pons
项目 - Dominique Coulon & associés 在距离圣让德吕兹海湾仅500米的地方,通过圣让德吕兹文化中心项目,打造了一座既宏伟又复杂的文化建筑。这座3250平方米的空间巧妙地平衡了碎片化建筑与空间连贯性,创造出一个突破传统文化中心设计的独特场所。
团队 - Dominique Coulon & associés成立于1989年,已发展成为法国最具创新力的建筑设计事务所之一,以其对空间复杂性的深入探索和独特的设计方法而闻名。这家总部位于法国斯特拉斯堡的工作室由Dominique Coulon和他的合伙人Steve Letho Duclos领衔,凭借将哲学思考与建筑实践的巧妙融合而获得国际认可。
在Dominique Coulon的带领下,事务所发展出强调空间复杂性与动态嵌套元素的独特设计语言。他们的项目多次获得国际奖项,包括2022年法国建筑学院的金质奖章,2019年被提名欧盟当代建筑奖—密斯·凡·德·罗奖,以及多次获得芝加哥雅典娜国际建筑奖。
Project Name: Saint-Jean-de-Luz Cultural Center
Location: France
Design Team: Dominique Coulon & associés
Total Floor Area: 3250 m²
Completion: 2023
Photography: Eugeni Pons
Project - Dominique Coulon & associés has completed their latest project - Saint-Jean-de-Luz Cultural Center, reinterpreting the concept of cultural architecture through a fragmentary yet harmonious design approach. This 3250-square-meter structure, located just 500 meters from the bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, responds to its complex coastal context through a deliberate decomposition of form.
The project's most distinctive feature is its triple-height atrium that serves as the conceptual and circulatory nucleus of the complex. Rather than conceiving the structure as a monolithic entity, the architects have choreographed a series of distinct volumes that house the center's diverse programming. This fragmentation allows for a nuanced play of scale and proportion, creating a dynamic yet balanced composition that connects the eastern theater wing with the western three-tiered volume containing music, theater, and dance spaces.
The spatial layout is carefully orchestrated, with the central void functioning as more than mere circulation; it emerges as the "beating heart" of the complex, fostering social connectivity and shared experience. Generous glazing throughout this space floods the interior with natural light while offering strategic glimpses into adjacent programmatic areas, creating a visual transparency that invites exploration and interaction.
The project's uniqueness lies in its relationship to the surrounding garden, with carefully positioned openings framing views of the landscaped exterior. This garden isn't merely decorative but functional, featuring an intimate open-air theater and outdoor extensions of collective practice rooms that blur the boundary between interior and exterior performance spaces.
Despite its programmatic complexity, the building achieves remarkable spatial efficiency through its compact organization. Circulation is fluid and intuitive, with short, light-filled corridors connecting the various functions. The overall effect is one of poetic pragmatism - a building that satisfies its functional requirements while maintaining a sense of wonder and discovery.
Design Team - Founded in 1989 when Dominique Coulon established his practice in Strasbourg after completing his architectural education, Dominique Coulon & associés has evolved into one of France's most distinguished architectural studios. The firm, which formally adopted its current name in 2008, is led by Dominique Coulon and his associate Steve Letho Duclos, who approach each project through a reflective and philosophical lens.
The practice specializes in public architecture, with a diversified portfolio encompassing libraries, healthcare facilities, theaters, aquatic centers, educational institutions, and housing developments. Their work is characterized by dynamically imbricated elements and thoughtful manipulation of natural light, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of spatial complexity and contextual design.
Refusing to be limited by pre-established methods, the studio explores different ways of approaching projects to rethink spaces and uses. This methodology enables the firm to synthesize heterogeneous programmatic requirements into cohesive architectural solutions that respond sensitively to their contexts, considering complexity as an approach that gives the architect freedom to deal with the heterogeneity of the project's data.
The practice's commitment to architectural excellence has been acknowledged with numerous accolades, including the prestigious Golden Medal from the French Academy of Architecture in 2022, nomination for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award in 2019, and multiple Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards. Dominique Coulon's theoretical perspectives inform both his professional work and his academic activities at the School of Architecture in Strasbourg, where he founded the master's program in 'Architecture and Complexity.'
3250 m²