Jesper Kusk Arkitekter
设计团队:Jesper Kusk Arkitekter
面积:220 m²
摄影师:Lars Rolfsted Mortensen
合作方:THKR、Regnestuen (工程)、LoBe Landskab (景观)、Iben Winther Orton (照明)
制造商:DS Stålprofil, In-Sign, Krone, Krone Vinduer A/S, Lindab, The Greenery
项目 - 在丹麦盛行的拆除重建风潮中,Jesper Kusk建筑事务所选择了一条不同寻常的道路,他们在比尔克罗德(Birkerød)将一座建于1967年的现代主义住宅改造成了一个光线充沛的庇护所,展现了可持续性保护的典范。这个名为"房中之房"的项目通过一系列相互连接的空间体量重新诠释了独立住宅的概念,挑战了新建才能满足现代生活的传统观念。
这次改造为建筑师Steffen Hougaard的原始设计注入了新的生命力,同时增加了一个独特的扩建部分,既能与原有建筑形成呼应,又保持着鲜明的对比。新增的绿色木质外立面展现出新旧之间的对话,在保持建筑整体和谐的同时又彰显出自己的特色。
团队 - Jesper Kusk Arkitekter成立于2019年,总部位于丹麦哥本哈根,在当代北欧建筑领域迅速崭露头角,专注于可持续设计和适应性改造。创始人Jesper Kusk此前曾在Nordic建筑事务所和Lundgaard & Tranberg建筑事务所等知名公司累积近二十年的专业经验,为事务所带来了丰富的建筑实践经验。
事务所的设计理念立足于创造超越时间界限的持久建筑,强调生物亲和性设计原则和碳意识方法论。在Jesper Kusk的带领下(他自2023年起担任丹麦建筑师协会竞赛委员会主席),工作室发展出了独特的项目组合,以其精致的材料配置和对木构建筑的重视而著称。
事务所位于历史悠久的Fæstningens Materialgård,以其严谨的分析过程和协作式设计方法而闻名。他们的作品以精心整合自然采光、自然通风和创新空间规划而独树一帜。事务所对可持续性的承诺超越了单纯的能源效率,涵盖了更广泛的社会和环境责任,这体现在他们对材料生命周期和适应性再利用策略的精细关注上。
Project Name: Houses Within the House
Location: Birkerød, Denmark
Design Team: Jesper Kusk Arkitekter
Area: 220 m²
Completion: 2024
Photography: Lars Rolfsted Mortensen
Main Materials: Wood, Bamboo, Birch Plywood
Collaborators: THKR, Regnestuen (Engineering), LoBe Landskab (Landscape), Iben Winther Orton (Lighting)
Manufacturers: DS Stålprofil, In-Sign, Krone, Krone Vinduer A/S, Lindab, The Greenery
Project - In a bold rejection of Denmark's demolition culture, Jesper Kusk Arkitekter has transformed a 1967 modernist residence in Birkerød into a luminous sanctuary that champions sustainable preservation. The "Houses Within the House" project reimagines a single-family home through a series of interconnected volumes, challenging the notion that new construction is the only path to contemporary living.
The renovation breathes new life into architect Steffen Hougaard's original design while adding a distinctive extension that both complements and contrasts with its predecessor. The addition, clad in green-painted timber, creates a compelling dialogue between old and new, setting itself apart while maintaining a harmonious architectural conversation with the existing structure.
At the heart of the 220-square-metre dwelling lies an innovative spatial concept where each room features a pitched ceiling, creating the sensation of individual houses nestled within the larger structure. This architectural gesture not only pays homage to the archetypal house form but also generates dynamic interior volumes that play with light and shadow throughout the day.
The project's environmental consciousness is evident in every detail. Strategic skylights pierce the new roof, establishing natural ventilation pathways and flooding the interiors with daylight. A sophisticated rainwater harvesting system, concealed beneath the ground, supplies water for toilet flushing, while the careful selection of biogenic materials – including bamboo flooring and birch plywood wall cladding – significantly reduces the renovation's carbon footprint.
Perhaps the most striking feature is the seamless integration of interior and exterior spaces. Custom-built furniture, including a generous window-seat that extends toward the garden, creates contemplative moments that blur the boundaries between architecture and nature. The thoughtfully orchestrated sightlines and connections to the landscape transform everyday living into a continuous dialogue with the natural environment.
This project serves as a compelling case study in architectural upcycling, demonstrating how Denmark's existing housing stock can be reimagined for contemporary life without resorting to demolition. In a country where approximately 1,100 single-family homes are razed annually, this renovation stands as a testament to the potential of adaptive reuse, proving that with innovative design thinking, yesterday's architecture can be transformed to meet tomorrow's needs while preserving embodied carbon and architectural heritage.
Design Team - Jesper Kusk Arkitekter, established in 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark, has rapidly emerged as a significant voice in contemporary Nordic architecture, specializing in sustainable design and adaptive reuse. Founded by Jesper Kusk, who brings nearly two decades of expertise from prestigious firms including Nordic - Office of Architecture and Lundgaard & Tranberg Arkitekter, the practice has garnered recognition for its innovative approach to environmental stewardship and contextual sensitivity.
The firm's design philosophy centers on creating enduring architecture that transcends temporal boundaries, emphasizing biophilic design principles and carbon-conscious methodologies. Under Kusk's leadership, who serves as the Chairman of the Competition Committee at the Danish Association of Architects since 2023, the studio has developed a distinctive portfolio characterized by its sophisticated material palette and emphasis on timber construction.
Operating from their headquarters in the historic Fæstningens Materialgård, the practice has cultivated a reputation for thorough analytical processes and collaborative design approaches. Their work is distinguished by a careful integration of daylight, natural ventilation, and innovative spatial programming. The firm's commitment to sustainability extends beyond mere energy efficiency to encompass broader social and environmental responsibilities, reflected in their meticulous attention to material lifecycle and adaptive reuse strategies.
220 m²