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设计团队:PLOTNONPLOT Architecture Inc.

面积:2700 ft²  

地点:Ottawa, Canada



项目 – 坐落于渥太华韦斯特伯勒住宅区的沃伦住宅,由PLOTNONPLOT建筑事务所倾力打造,堪称颠覆传统家居理念的典范之作。这座刚竣工的定制住宅,巧妙借鉴了兔子洞穴的设计灵感,为家庭生活带来了温馨与安全感的独特诠释。










团队 – 成立于2013年的PLOTNONPLOT建筑事务所,已成为加拿大建筑设计领域的重要力量。由联合创始人Rebecca Fernando和Grant Oikawa领衔的这家前卫事务所,通过对以人为本的建筑理念的坚持,正在重新定义当代设计的边界。






PLOTNONPLOT的领导团队为每个项目都注入了丰富的专业知识。Rebecca Fernando以其精湛的传统绘图技巧和概念开发能力著称,引领着事务所的创意方向。Grant Oikawa贡献了超过20年的建筑经验,尤其专注于定制化制作和细节处理。作为事务所的建筑技术专家, Tim Derkatch则确保创意构想能够完美转化为技术上可行的方案。




Project:The Warren House

Team:PLOTNONPLOT Architecture Inc.

Size:2700 ft² 

Location:Ottawa, Canada



Project - Nestled in the residential Westboro neighborhood of Ottawa, The Warren House by PLOTNONPLOT Architecture Inc. emerges as a paradigm-shifting dwelling that challenges conventional notions of family living. This 2,700 square foot home, completed in 2024, draws inspiration from the cozy confines of a rabbit's warren, offering a unique interpretation of domestic warmth and security.


The architects have masterfully crafted a residence that playfully subverts expectations, creating a harmonious dialogue between privacy and openness. The home's most striking feature is its partially subterranean design, with main living spaces embedded into the ground. This innovative approach not only provides a sense of sanctuary but also allows the home's warmth to radiate upwards and outwards, creating a cocoon-like atmosphere for its inhabitants.


Despite its modest footprint, The Warren House boasts a complex internal organization that defies traditional level arrangements. A large vertical space carved from the center of the home serves as its beating heart, facilitating a fluid interplay of light, sound, and familial interaction. This central void becomes a stage for the everyday joys of dining, conversation, music, and play, offering various spatial configurations to suit the family's evolving needs.


The architects' meticulous attention to detail is evident in the thoughtful circulation paths, strategically placed terraces, and divergent openings that blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. Vegetated roofs further integrate the structure with its environment, while clever nooks and crannies offer opportunities for solitude and reflection.


PLOTNONPLOT's material palette strikes a delicate balance between timeless elegance and playful whimsy. Wood, glass, linen, and concrete form a sophisticated backdrop, while carefully chosen tiles, wallpapers, and textiles inject personality and charm. The exterior, clad in black steel and wood, acts as a protective shell, selectively revealing and concealing the vibrant life within.


The Warren House stands as a testament to the power of innovative residential design, offering a fresh perspective on urban family living that is both grounded and uplifting.


Design Team - Founded in 2013, PLOTNONPLOT Architecture Inc. has rapidly established itself as a dynamic force in Ottawa's architectural landscape. This avant-garde practice, helmed by co-founders Rebecca Fernando and Grant Oikawa, is redefining the boundaries of contemporary design through a steadfast commitment to human-centric architecture.


At the core of PLOTNONPLOT's ethos lies a profound appreciation for the human scale. The firm's multidisciplinary approach encompasses a diverse portfolio, ranging from residential and commercial projects to bespoke furniture design and artistic installations. This versatility allows the team to craft spaces that resonate deeply with individual users, ensuring that each project becomes a unique reflection of its inhabitants' personalities and needs.


PLOTNONPLOT's design philosophy is grounded in three key principles: sustainability as an opportunity rather than a constraint, creativity as an all-encompassing force, and the narrative procession through space as a means to enhance experiential quality. The firm's rigorous methodology combines traditional drawing techniques with cutting-edge digital tools, fostering a design process that is both exploratory and meticulous.


The leadership trio of PLOTNONPLOT brings a wealth of expertise to every project. Rebecca Fernando, known for her prowess in traditional drawing and conceptual development, spearheads the firm's creative direction. Grant Oikawa contributes over two decades of architectural experience, with a particular focus on custom fabrication and detailing. Tim Derkatch, the firm's Architectural Technologist, ensures the seamless translation of creative visions into technically sound solutions.


As PLOTNONPLOT continues to shape Ottawa's built environment, their commitment to craftsmanship, sustainability, and user-centric design positions them at the forefront of architectural innovation in Eastern Ontario. With each project, they strive to exceed client expectations while fulfilling their own artistic and professional aspirations, creating spaces that are not just built, but thoughtfully crafted.

2700 ft²

Ottawa, Canada


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