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濑户内隐世度假村 AMERI
Tetra Works


项目 –  TETRA WORKS事务所设计的这个"瀬戸内隐世界度假村 AMERI" 位于广岛桃岛,是一处令人惊艳的单栋出租别墅。它巧妙地利用了一个突出的"观景室"来最大化远眺瀬戸内海的美景。这座隐世的度假屋坐落在桃岛的一处海滩旁,离沙滩仅30米。设计师为了抓住壮阔的海景,巧妙地将起居室层高抬高,并在主体外伸出一个通透的"观景厅",使得景观一览无遗。这个外伸的玻璃“盒子”不仅成为了建筑物的标志性造型,也很好地重新诠释了岛上的传统风貌。空间宽敞通透的室内与围墙庭院相连,将生活空间很自然地向户外延伸。温润朴素但富有张力的设计,让人能充分浸润在这片遗世独立的滨海岛屿风光中,获得身心的彻底放松。

团队 –  TETRAWORKS是一家2019年成立的日本广岛本土建筑设计工作室,由首席建筑师伊濑和裕领衔,团队由他、津田知明(董事/一级建筑师/施工管理师)、山口正展(二级建筑师)和伊濑千春四人组成。他们的设计理念源于四面体这一基本的柏拉图多面体形态——简单而又结构坚固。正如事务所名字"TETRA WORKS"所暗示的,他们追求住宅和商业建筑设计的简洁性和长久性。作品体现出极简主义风格,线条利落、造型几何、材料精心挑选,每一个项目都蕴含着永恒之美。事务所的作品展示了他们在广岛地区从事新建、翻新、扩建到商店设计等多方位的设计能力。他们的作品在尊重当地建筑传统的同时,还融入了当代元素以满足现代生活需求。TETRA WORKS注重功能实用、环境可持续且生态足迹较小,他们用专业的设计营造出能提升日常生活品质的空间。作为一个紧密团队,四人将不同的创意视角融汇到每一个挑战中。


Project - Nestled near the shores of a remote island in Japan's Setouchi region, this striking vacation rental maximizes scenic ocean vistas through an iconic elevated "viewing room" that cantilevers boldly from the main volume. Designed by architect Kazuhiro Ise of TETRAWORKS, the secluded getaway on Hiroshima's Momoshima Island provides a tranquil escape immersed in nature. The residence sits just 30 meters from a sandy beach lapped by the gentle Seto Inland Sea waves. To capture panoramic views, Ise devised an ingenious split-level layout, raising the main living quarters to create an expansive viewing pavilion with floor-toceiling glazing framing vistas across the strait. This projecting glazed box defines the home's sculptural profile, an eye-catching form that reinterprets the traditional island vernacular. Inside, the airy interiors seamlessly blend with a walled courtyard, extending the living spaces outwards. Maximizing the idyllic island setting, Ise's restrained yet expressive design offers a rejuvenating immersion in Setouchi's unspoiled coastal landscape.

Design Team - Founded in 2019, TETRAWORKS is a Hiroshima-based architectural design firm led by principal architect Kazuhiro Ise. The four-person team, including Ise, Tomoaki Tsuda (Director/First-Class Architect/Construction Supervisor), Masanobu Yamaguchi (Second-Class Architect), and Chiharu Ise, takes inspiration from the geometric simplicity and structural integrity of the tetrahedron - one of the fundamental Platonic solids. As its name suggests, TETRAWORKS' design philosophy centers around creating simple yet robust residential and commercial buildings that stand the test of time. The firm's minimalist aesthetic resonates through clean lines, geometric forms, and thoughtful material choices that imbue each project with a timeless beauty. TETRAWORKS' portfolio showcases their versatility in new construction, renovations, extensions, and retail design across the Hiroshima region. Their contextual approach respects local architectural heritage while introducing contemporary elements for modern living. With a focus on functionality, sustainability, and having a light environmental footprint, TETRAWORKS crafts spaces that elevate daily life through intentional design solutions. As a tight-knit team, they bring diverse creative perspectives to every architectural challenge.




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