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Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter


设计团队:Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

面积:4000 m²  




项目 – 在挪威奥斯陆南部,一座融合历史敬意与现代设计的建筑杰作正熠熠生辉。由Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter设计的灯笼公寓在这片曾经的军营旧址上,展现了非凡的建筑创新。








总的来说,灯笼公寓代表了创新设计、历史意识和环境考量的和谐统一。Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter不仅打造了一个住宅综合体,更创造了一座既尊重又提升周边环境的光芒四射的地标建筑。


团队 –Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter由同名建筑师Reiulf Ramstad创立,已跻身挪威建筑界的翘楚,以其创新性和对环境敏感的设计而闻名。该事务所在奥斯陆、奥胡斯和哥本哈根设有办事处,自成立以来,已在住宅、文化和公共项目领域构建了丰富多样的作品集。


事务所现由创始人兼设计总监雷Reiulf Ramstad领衔,与合伙人共同的领导下,事务所形成了独特的设计理念,将强烈的概念性方法与务实解决方案巧妙融合。




事务所对可持续发展的承诺体现在他们对先进数字技术的运用上,如BIM和VR,同时也保留了传统的模型制作技术。这种先进设计方法,加上他们基于对话的设计过程,为RRA赢得了众多荣誉,包括密斯·凡·德罗奖提名和Reiulf Ramstad本人获得的美国建筑师协会(AIA)荣誉会员资格。RRA持续推动当代斯堪的纳维亚建筑的边界,创造出与环境和使用者产生共鸣的空间。


Project:The Lantern Apartments

Team:Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

Size:4000 m² 

Location:Oslo, Norway



Project - In a bold fusion of historical reverence and contemporary design, The Lantern Apartments by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter illuminate the landscape of Ski Vest, Norway. This innovative housing project, completed in 2022, stands as a beacon of architectural ingenuity on the site of a former military camp.


The complex, comprising 38 meticulously crafted apartments, is a masterclass in contextual sensitivity. Its copper-clad exterior pays homage to the site's 1890s heritage while boldly asserting its modern identity. The building's form, a playful composition of tower geometries, enables each residence to boast generous ceiling heights and private, sheltered terraces.


What truly sets The Lantern Apartments apart is its distinctive façade treatment. Linear terraces wrap the structure, their railings fashioned from perforated copper plates adorned with a bespoke pattern. This unique design element not only provides visual intrigue but also imbues the project with a lantern-like quality, hence its evocative name.


The architects have deftly balanced the need for privacy with a desire for openness, creating generous apertures that foster a dialogue between interior and exterior spaces. This interplay is further enhanced by the project's integration with the newly established green neighborhood of Magasinparken.


In essence, The Lantern Apartments represent a harmonious blend of innovative design, historical consciousness, and environmental consideration. Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter has crafted not just a residential complex, but a luminous landmark that both respects and elevates its surroundings.


Design Team - Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, founded by the eponymous architect Reiulf Ramstad, has emerged as a powerhouse of Norwegian architecture, renowned for its innovative and context-sensitive designs. With offices in Oslo, Aarhus, and Copenhagen, the firm has cultivated a diverse portfolio spanning residential, cultural, and public projects since its inception.


At the helm of this dynamic practice are Reiulf Ramstad as Design Director and Founder, alongside partners Kristin Stokke Ramstad, Anja H. Strandskogen, Christian Skram Fuglset, and Thomas Carstens. Their leadership has steered the firm towards a distinct design philosophy that interweaves strong conceptual approaches with pragmatic solutions.


RRA's work is characterized by a keen sensitivity to place, employing tectonic forms that bridge exterior and interior landscapes. Their projects, from the award-winning Trollstigen National Tourist Route to the innovative Kornets Hus, showcase a masterful integration of architecture with challenging topographies and cultural contexts.


The firm's commitment to sustainability is evident in their use of advanced digital technologies, including BIM and VR, alongside traditional model-making techniques. This hybrid approach, combined with their dialogue-based design process, has garnered RRA numerous accolades, including the Mies van der Rohe Award nominations and the prestigious AIA Honorary Fellowship for Reiulf Ramstad.


RRA continues to push the boundaries of contemporary Scandinavian architecture, creating spaces that resonate with their environment and users alike.

4000 m²

Ski, Norway


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