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Wutopia Lab

项目名称:玉山岚峰 正大太阳河咖啡小镇艺术中心

设计团队:Wutopia Lab

面积:2606 m²  




项目 – 在海南万宁的中心地带,一座令人叹为观止的建筑精品悄然崛起,将昔日朴实的咖啡种植园蜕变成一座文化地标。由知名设计事务所Wutopia Lab精心打造的玉山岚峰-正大太阳河咖啡小镇艺术中心,不仅是人类韧性的见证,更是建筑创新的璀璨明珠。






Wutopia Lab创新性地运用了不同穿孔率的法拉利膜,巧妙营造出渐变效果,使建筑在强烈的海南阳光下仿佛在闪烁,逐渐消融于天际。这种空灵的质感将整个建筑群从冰冷的混凝土转化为富有生命力的有机体,与周围环境和谐共鸣。








团队 – Wutopia Lab,这个由俞挺和闵而妮这对才华横溢的建筑师夫妇于2013年创立的设计事务所,已然成为当代中国建筑界的一颗璀璨明星。扎根于上海这座国际大都市,Wutopia Lab以其独特的设计理念,在传统中华文化元素与前卫设计原则之间架起了一座桥梁,塑造出一种与21世纪中国时代精神共鸣的独特建筑语言。




Wutopia Lab的作品涵盖了广泛的建筑类型,从文化场所到综合体开发项目无所不包。他们的代表作如"八分园"和"扬州慢新华书店",充分展现了他们在创造多层次空间体验方面的卓越才能,不断挑战着传统建筑范式。事务所在材料运用上的创新,尤其是对半透明和穿孔外立面的探索,已成为他们设计方法的一大特色。


通过摒弃"偏执的极简主义"和"夸张的场景营造",Wutopia Lab培育出了一种独特的建筑词汇,颂扬矛盾与并置的美学。他们的设计常常融入城市叙事元素,编织出反映上海丰富文化底蕴和当代城市动态的故事。这种方法使Wutopia Lab站在了中国建筑复兴的前沿,为建成环境提供了一种既扎根本土又具全球视野的全新视角。


Wutopia Lab的作品不仅仅是建筑,更是对中国当代城市生活的深刻诠释和大胆想象。他们以建筑为媒介,不断探索和推动着社会学层面的进步,为我们展现了一个充满活力、创新和文化自信的新时代中国。


Project:Flickering Peak

Team:Wutopia Lab​

Size:2606 m²  

Location:Hainan, China



Project - In the heart of Wanning, Hainan, a remarkable architectural marvel has emerged, transforming the landscape of a once-humble coffee plantation into a beacon of cultural significance. The Yushan Lanfeng Art Center, meticulously crafted by Wutopia Lab, stands as a testament to human resilience and artistic innovation.

This 2,606-square-meter masterpiece, completed in 2024, reimagines the concept of a traditional art center. Drawing inspiration from the rich history of Indonesian-Chinese immigrants who cultivated the land, the design ingeniously weaves together elements of nature, mythology, and contemporary architecture.


The centerpiece of the project is a striking reinterpretation of the classic Chinese "one pool, three mountains" motif. Three distinct structures, shrouded in semi-transparent membranes, emerge like mystical peaks from a serene artificial lake. This visual spectacle not only pays homage to the pioneers who forged a new life in this once-wild terrain but also creates a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow.


Wutopia Lab's innovative use of Ferrari membranes with varying perforation rates achieves a gradient effect, making the buildings appear to flicker and fade into the sky. This ethereal quality transforms the complex from mere buildings into living, breathing entities that respond to the intense Hainan sunlight.


The interior spaces are equally captivating, with a masterful choreography of pathways that guide visitors through a journey of ascent, mimicking the experience of mountain climbing. From the ground-floor hall, where water seems to flow indoors, to the rooftop coffee garden offering panoramic views, each level unveils new perspectives and experiences.


At night, the art center undergoes a magical metamorphosis. Carefully orchestrated lighting transforms the translucent peaks into a kaleidoscope of colors, symbolizing the diverse aspirations of the community. This duality of day and night, of serenity and vibrancy, encapsulates the project's essence as a bridge between past and future, tradition and innovation.


The Yushan Lanfeng Art Center is more than just a building; it's a narrative etched in architecture, a celebration of cultural heritage, and a bold vision for the future of public spaces in China.


Design Team - Founded in 2013 by the visionary duo Yu Ting and Min Erni, Wutopia Lab has rapidly emerged as a trailblazing force in contemporary Chinese architecture. Based in Shanghai, this innovative practice has carved out a unique niche by seamlessly blending traditional Chinese cultural elements with avant-garde design principles, creating a distinctive architectural language that resonates with the zeitgeist of 21st-century China.


At the helm of Wutopia Lab, Yu Ting, armed with a doctorate from Tsinghua University, brings a wealth of experience from his tenure at the East China Architecture and Design Institute (ECADI). The firm's design philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of "magical realism," which manifests in their projects as a harmonious fusion of complexity and simplicity, tradition and modernity.


Wutopia Lab's portfolio is characterized by its diverse array of typologies, ranging from cultural institutions to mixed-use developments. Their projects, such as the Eight Tenths Garden and the Slow Yangzhou × Xinhua Bookstore, exemplify their mastery in creating multifaceted spatial experiences that challenge conventional architectural paradigms. The firm's innovative use of materials, particularly their exploration of translucent and perforated facades, has become a hallmark of their design approach.


By rejecting both "obsessive minimalism" and "exaggerated scenes," Wutopia Lab has cultivated a unique architectural vocabulary that celebrates contradiction and juxtaposition. Their designs often incorporate elements of urban storytelling, weaving narratives that reflect Shanghai's rich cultural tapestry and contemporary urban dynamics. This approach has positioned Wutopia Lab at the forefront of China's architectural renaissance, offering a fresh perspective on the built environment that is both locally rooted and globally relevant.

2606 m²

Hainan, China


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