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Nestled in the picturesque heights of the Isère Valley, the Bioclimatic Contemporary House by INDY ARCHITECTES is a masterful fusion of sustainable design and modern aesthetics. This ambitious project, completed in 2023, transforms an old vineyard house into a stunning 176-square-meter residence that seamlessly integrates with its natural surroundings.

The architects, Josselin GUILLO and Nicolas DULAURENT, faced the challenge of creating a home that offers panoramic views of the Belledonne mountain chain and achieves significant energy performance. Their innovative approach to bioclimatic design compensates for the extensive glazing desired by the clients, striking a perfect balance between visual openness and thermal efficiency.

A key feature of the design is the partial integration of the structure into the site's slope, minimizing environmental impact while leveraging the earth's thermal inertia. The long retaining wall in stamped raw concrete serves as a tectonic and landscape fold, evoking the rock strata of the underlying terrain and anchoring the building to its site.

The upper floor, housing bedrooms and night areas, is ingeniously designed as a suspended crown that acts as a large awning, providing crucial sun protection for the glazed spaces below. This volume is encircled by a wooden sunshade-protected passageway, with strategically placed openings that maintain direct landscape views without compromising thermal comfort.

Perhaps the most striking element is the main living area's transformative nature. Large sliding glass frames allow for a complete opening of the facades, blurring the lines between interior and exterior. This adaptability enables the house to function as a protective, contemplative shelter or an open, garden-integrated living space, depending on the season.


法国INDY建筑事务所由Nicolas Dulaurent和Josselin Guillo两位建筑师于2019年在法国格勒诺布尔创立,短短几年间已跻身可持续和生态气候设计领域的翘楚。该事务所以创新空间设计见长,善于将建筑与环境和谐共融,同时保证功能性和美学的最高标准。





INDY ARCHITECTES, founded in 2019 by Nicolas DULAURENT and Josselin GUILLO, is a dynamic architectural practice based in Grenoble, France. The firm has quickly established itself as a leader in sustainable and bioclimatic design, with a particular focus on creating innovative spaces that harmonize with their environment while meeting the highest standards of functionality and aesthetics.

The practice's core philosophy revolves around the concept of architecture as a fundamental right, pushing boundaries in residential design to offer alternatives to standardized housing solutions. INDY ARCHITECTES excels in optimizing the bioclimatic, architectural, and technical aspects of each site, ensuring that every project maximizes its potential while minimizing its environmental footprint.

Led by DULAURENT, an ENSAG graduate with extensive experience in large-scale public, cultural, and tertiary projects, and GUILLO, who brings expertise in bioclimatic and bio-sourced building design, the firm offers a unique blend of skills. DULAURENT's proficiency in BIM project management complements GUILLO's specialization in sustainable housing, creating a synergy that drives the firm's innovative approach.

INDY ARCHITECTES' portfolio spans a diverse range of projects, from cultural spaces and educational facilities to residential developments. Their commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in their meticulous attention to energy efficiency and material selection. The firm's holistic approach extends beyond mere technical prowess, emphasizing human relationships as a cornerstone of their design process.

With a growing reputation for delivering high-quality, environmentally conscious architecture, INDY ARCHITECTES is poised to make a significant impact on the built environment, offering tailored solutions that respond to the evolving needs of modern society while respecting ecological imperatives.

176 m²



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