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In the rapidly growing city of Nakagawa, Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Pinocchio Children's Garden emerges as a beacon of innovative educational design. Conceived by Sho Sasaki of INTERMEDIA, this nursery and kindergarten facility responds to the area's increasing population with a capacity for 216 children, making it one of the larger early education centers in the region.

The architectural brilliance of the project lies in its thoughtful approach to fostering social interaction among children of different age groups. Sasaki's design introduces a unique "lunch room" concept, strategically placed between classrooms to serve as a pseudo-public space. This multifunctional area not only facilitates dining but also accommodates various activities and ceremonies, effectively breaking down barriers between different classes and encouraging a rich tapestry of social connections.

Perhaps the most striking feature is the central courtyard, where Sasaki has masterfully manipulated level differences to create a seamless flow between the ground and first floors. This innovative use of space allows children to move freely between levels, promoting physical activity and visual connectivity with the rooms for younger children on the ground floor.

The structure, while robust in its reinforced concrete construction, achieves a delicate balance between solidity and lightness. The use of void slabs and strategically placed steel columns creates an airy atmosphere that complements the playful nature of the space.

Fukuoka Pinocchio Children's Garden stands as a testament to architecture's power to shape educational experiences, offering a nurturing environment that grows alongside the community it serves.


INTERMEDIA建筑设计事务所由佐々木信明(Sasaki Nobuaki)于1989年创立,现已成为日本领先的建筑设计公司,尤其以其在教育和公共空间方面的创新设计而闻名。总部位于长崎的INTERMEDIA,三十多年来一直站在创造富有思考性、以社区为导向的建筑设计前沿。





INTERMEDIA, founded in 1989 by Nobuaki Sasaki, has emerged as a leading architectural design firm in Japan, particularly renowned for its innovative approach to educational and public spaces. With its headquarters in Nagasaki, the firm has been at the forefront of creating thoughtful, community-oriented architecture for over three decades.

Under the current leadership of Sho Sasaki and Shiho Nanri, INTERMEDIA has continually pushed the boundaries of architectural design, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. The firm's portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from cutting-edge educational facilities to striking public buildings and sensitive urban interventions.

INTERMEDIA's design philosophy centers on creating spaces that foster human interaction and respond to the evolving needs of society. Their approach is characterized by a keen attention to context, innovative use of materials, and a commitment to sustainability. The firm's work often features dynamic spatial arrangements, thoughtful integration of natural light, and a harmonious relationship between interior and exterior spaces.

The team's expertise is evident in their numerous award-winning projects, including the Fukuoka Pinocchio Children's Garden, which received the Architectural Institute of Japan's New Architect Award in 2024. This project exemplifies INTERMEDIA's skill in creating nurturing environments that support child development through architectural design.

With a talented team of architects and a track record of successful collaborations with educational institutions and local governments, INTERMEDIA continues to shape the built environment of Japan, setting new standards for architectural excellence and social responsibility.




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