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项目 –坐落于宁静的茨城县农业景观中的“田野里的儿童花园”是由本瀬齋田建筑设计事务所倾力打造的,展现了该地区对教育与儿童保育的承诺。这一创新项目取代了原有设施,设计上与当地环境完美融合,呈现出‘原风景’的意象。建筑师们构想了一个大气的、与周围田野的尺度和色彩相呼应的大屋顶,打造出与环境融为一体的地标性建筑。






团队 – 本瀬斋田建筑设计事务所成立于2015年,迅速成为日本建筑界的一支开拓性力量。由齋田武亨和本瀬あゆみ两位建筑师领衔,事务所汇聚了来自隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所和藤本壮介建筑设计事务所等知名事务所的丰富经验。该工作室的设计理念深深植根于对环境的敏感度和可持续设计原则,其获奖项目"消失村落中的客栈"就是最好的证明。这个项目展示了他们在重振废弃乡村地区的同时,尊重当地传统和环境条件的卓越能力。







Project -

Nestled within the serene agricultural landscapes of Ibaraki, the "Children's Garden in the Fields" by Ayumi Motose and Takeharu Saita of Motose Saita Architects stands as a testament to the region’s commitment to education and childcare. This innovative project replaces an existing facility with a design that harmonizes with the local environment, embodying the essence of a "primary landscape." The architects envisioned a structure with a large, sweeping roof that resonates with the scale and color of the surrounding fields, creating a landmark that blends seamlessly into its environment.


A long deck stretches beneath the eaves, fostering a fluid connection between the interior and exterior spaces. This design not only enhances visibility and continuity but also encourages interaction among children of varying ages, supported by the adoption of "vertical classes" where children from three to five years old learn and play together. The space beneath the roof is dotted with playful elements like benches and foot baths, inviting exploration and fostering a strong sense of community.


By aligning the playroom with functional spaces like the entrance and kitchen, the design maximizes the usability of the space throughout the day, offering a versatile environment for learning, play, and community gathering. This thoughtful integration of architecture and landscape creates a place that is both a beacon of childhood memories and a model for future educational facilities.


Design Team - Founded in 2015, Motose Saita Architects (本瀬齋田建築設計事務所) has quickly established itself as a pioneering force in Japan's architectural landscape. Led by Takeyuki Saita and Ayumi Motose, both certified first-class architects (一級建築士), the firm brings a wealth of experience from prestigious practices such as Kengo Kuma and Associates and Sou Fujimoto Architects.


The studio's approach is deeply rooted in contextual sensitivity and sustainable design principles, as evidenced by their award-winning project "Auberge in a Vanishing Village." This project exemplifies their ability to breathe new life into abandoned rural areas while respecting local traditions and environmental conditions.


Motose Saita Architects excels in various projects, from public facilities to residential designs. Innovative responses to site-specific challenges, such as extreme weather conditions and topographical constraints characterize their work. The firm's expertise in integrating traditional Japanese architectural elements with contemporary design has garnered recognition, including the Ibaraki Architecture Culture Award and the Hokuriku Architecture Culture Award.


With offices in Toyama and Tokyo, the practice maintains a strong connection to both rural and urban contexts. Their commitment to education is evident through teaching positions at prestigious institutions like Tokyo University of the Arts and Kanazawa Institute of Technology. As members of the Architectural Institute of Japan and participants in professional liability insurance programs, Motose Saita Architects demonstrates a dedication to professional excellence and ethical practice in the field of architecture.

802.61 m²

Ibaraki Town, Japan


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