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AND St​​udio


由AND Studio设计的令人印象深刻的西藏唐卡艺术博物馆,是一座当代建筑杰作,颂扬了藏传佛教艺术和当地文化。博物馆巧妙地位于拉萨布达拉宫附近神圣的彭布山脚下,其阶梯式体量设计灵感来源于布达拉宫标志性的层层叠叠的建筑形式。六座相互连接的建筑体量沿着山坡层层而下,邀请游客沿着户外平台一路攀登,欣赏悬挂在高耸墙壁上的大型唐卡画作。一座中央"风塔"采用了双层幕墙系统,实现了自然通风,同时也呼应了该地区的传统民居建筑语汇。室内一系列展厅采用了纹理混凝土墙体,重新诠释了传统西藏石砌建筑手法。天窗投射在展厅内的自然散射光线,为展出的精美唐卡佛教艺术品营造了恰到好处的灯光环境。西藏唐卡艺术博物馆植根于当地文脉,同时又自信地展现出现代气息,巧妙地将历史建筑形式和文化象征性元素融入了当代建筑之中。AND Studio虔诚而睿智地将过去与现在融合,打造了一座感受唐卡绘画这一古老精神艺术的灵魂空间。

Acclaimed Chinese architecture firm AND Studio has completed the striking Tibetan Thangka Art Museum, a contemporary celebration of Buddhist art and local culture in Lhasa. Nestled at the foot of the sacred Penbu Mountain, the museum's boldly sculpted volumes pay homage to the iconic stepped architecture of the nearby Potala Palace.

The six interconnected structures cascade down the mountain slope, inviting visitors on an ascent through staggered outdoor plazas that frame impressive views of hanging Thangka paintings displayed on towering walls. A central "wind tower" featuring a dual-skin curtain wall naturally ventilates the interior while evoking the region's vernacular.

Inside, a network of exhibition halls are crisply detailed with textured concrete walls reinterpreting traditional Tibetan stone masonry techniques. Skylights filter diffuse daylight into the galleries, which are primarily illuminated by artificial lighting calibrated for displaying the intricate Buddhist artworks.

Deeply rooted in context yet confidently modern in expression, the Tibetan Thangka Art Museum deftly transcribes historical building forms and cultural symbolism into an inspiring contemporary architectural statement. AND Studio's respectful synthesis of past and present creates an inspiring space to experience the ancient spiritual art of Thangka painting.


AND Studio事务所源于2014年,由年轻建筑师Duccio Cardelli和王宁在一家巴黎咖啡馆里的一次对谈构思而成。在普利兹克奖获得者克里斯蒂安·德·包赞巴克建筑事务所工作了12年后,这对搭档在巴黎和上海分别创办了事务所。自创立以来,AND Studio一直与全球顶尖的国际和本土专家合作,项目和经验不断丰富。如今这家事务所由一支对场所环境和人性需求敏锐的团队引领,他们的目标是通过植根当下又展望未来的建筑设计,连接不同的社区并促进它们的融合,寻求良好的生活质量,培养年轻一代的知识和教育,遵循新兴技术,最重要的是尊重地球。建筑反映了它诞生的时代价值观和社会文化实践。AND Studio营造的是一个连接与交流的空间,在业内专家之间建立对话,从而体现时代精神。最近,AND Studio设计的西藏唐卡艺术博物馆和成都天府文创城规划展示厅两个项目均获殊荣,彰显了他们对文化内涵的深入理解和卓越设计理念。

Founded in 2014, AND Studio emerged from the minds of young architects Duccio Cardelli and Ning Wang over a Parisian cafe conversation. After honing their skills for over a decade under the mentorship of 1994 Pritzker Prize laureate Christian de Portzamparc, the pair launched their design practice with offices in Paris and Shanghai.

Since its inception, AND Studio has collaborated with top international and local experts across the globe, steadily expanding its diverse portfolio and expertise. Today, the firm is guided by a passionate team attuned to the nuances of place and inspired by human needs. Their mission? To shape tomorrow's world through contextually grounded yet forward-thinking architecture that connects communities, fosters integration, prioritizes quality of life, nurtures knowledge and education for future generations, embraces emerging technologies, and above all, respects the planet.

Architecture reflects the era and values from which it arises and the social and cultural practices it houses. AND Studio creates spaces for connection and exchange, fostering vital communication among professionals to channel the spirit of the age. Recent award-winning works like the Tibetan Thangka Art Museum and Chengdu Skyline Architectural Exhibition Hall exemplify their commitment to design excellence rooted in cultural significance.

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