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1.“起伏如山” 京呆民宿(多么工作室)

在北京怀柔区邓各庄村,多么工作室将一处破旧的乡村院落蜕变为一座令人惊艳的精品民宿——京呆。这个项目巧妙地将当代设计语言与中国传统建筑元素融会贯通,为周围的山川秀色献上了一份独特的建筑致敬。 Atelier d'More has transformed a dilapidated rural compound into a striking boutique hotel that seamlessly blends contemporary design with traditional Chinese architecture. The Jing Stay, located in the historic Denggezhuang Village, offers a tranquil retreat that pays homage to its mountainous surroundings.

2. Sunburst 住宅(Toll Brothers)

在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市,Toll Brothers的Sunburst住宅如同现代沙漠生活的灯塔般崛起。这座5547平方英尺(约515平方米)的杰作荣获2024年美国金块奖(Gold Nugget Awards)的年度住宅大奖,以其创新设计和室内外空间的无缝融合,重新定义了单层豪宅的概念。 In the heart of Scottsdale, Arizona, the Sunburst model by Toll Brothers emerges as a beacon of contemporary desert living. This 5,547-square-foot masterpiece, crowned as the 2024 Gold Nugget Home of the Year, redefines single-story luxury with its innovative design and seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.

3.“莫干山下玻璃亭屋” 山庾茶肆(奥室建筑)

在传统与现代的巧妙融合中,一座百年老宅华丽蜕变为令人心驰神往的商业茶馆。这个开创性项目坐落于莫干山脚下,为该地区仅存的“抬梁式重檐五开间”江南传统民居建筑注入了新的生命力。 In a striking fusion of heritage and modernity, a century-old wooden Chinese residence has been masterfully transformed into a captivating commercial teahouse. This groundbreaking project, nestled at the foot of Moganshan, breathes new life into one of the last remaining examples of traditional Jiangnan architecture in the area.

4. Arc’teryx 始祖鸟东京创作中心(Torafu Architects)

在东京充满活力的涩谷区中心,“Arc’teryx始祖鸟”东京创意中心如同创新设计和户外灵感的灯塔冉冉升起。由Torafu Architects的设计团队构思,这个改造项目将一座既有建筑转变为充满活力的创意与协作枢纽,标志着“Arc’teryx始祖鸟”在北美以外的首个创意中心诞生。 In the heart of Tokyo's vibrant Shibuya district, the Arc'teryx Tokyo Creation Center emerges as a beacon of innovative design and outdoor inspiration. Conceived by the visionary team at Suppose Design Office, this renovation project transforms an existing structure into a dynamic hub for creativity and collaboration, marking Arc'teryx's first creation center outside North America.

5. 魁北克 Orford 别墅(Thellend Fortin Architectes)

坐落于魁北克东部地区核心地带的奥福德住宅,出自Thellend Fortin建筑事务所之手,是当代住宅设计与自然环境和谐共融的典范之作。这座于独栋住宅取代了原址上的旧建筑,同时巧妙地保留了场地的丰富历史底蕴和令人屏息的自然景观。 Nestled in the heart of Quebec's Eastern Townships, the Orford House by Thellend Fortin Architectes is a striking example of contemporary residential design that seamlessly integrates with its natural surroundings. This single-family dwelling, completed in 2022, replaces an older structure while maintaining a deep connection to the site's rich history and breathtaking landscape.

6. “几何之美” 多伦多内维尔公园别墅(Reigo & Bauer)

坐落于加拿大多伦多东部的内维尔公园别墅住宅,出自Reigo & Bauer建筑事务所之手,堪称创新住宅设计的典范。这座面积2000平方英尺、拥有四间卧室的住宅巧妙地应对了狭窄且倾斜地块的挑战,将约束条件转化为建筑创新设计的机遇。 Nestled in Toronto's east end, the Neville Park House by Reigo & Bauer stands as a testament to innovative residential design. This 2,000-square-foot, four-bedroom home ingeniously tackles the challenges of a narrow, sloping site, transforming constraints into architectural opportunities.

7. Torrey View 生物科技园区(Flad Architects)

坐落于圣地亚哥如画风景中的Torrey View 生物科技园区,由Flad Architects设计,重新定义了现代生命科学园区的概念。该项目计划于2024年夏季开放,大胆融合了前沿设计与环保意识,提供总计515000平方英尺的尖端科研工作场所和配套设施。

Nestled in the picturesque landscape of San Diego, the Torrey View Campus by Flad Architects redefine the concept of a modern life science campus. Set to open in summer 2024, this ambitious project seamlessly blends cutting-edge design with environmental consciousness, offering 515,000 square feet of state-of-the-art scientific workplaces and amenities.

8. 美国 Longbranch 度假别墅(mwworks)

项目 – 坐落于华盛顿州凯斯湾的繁茂森林之中,由mwworks设计的Longbranch 度假别墅堪称建筑与自然和谐融合的典范。这座住宅重新定义了野奢别墅的概念,与周围的森林环境完美融为一体,同时提供豪华的生活体验。 Nestled in the verdant landscape of Key Center, Washington, the Longbranch Residence by mwworks is a masterclass in harmonious integration of architecture and nature. This 3,100-square-foot home, completed in 2023, redefines the concept of a rural retreat, seamlessly blending into its forested surroundings while offering a luxurious living experience.

9. “鹿角根” Čoarvemátta 文化教育中心(Snøhetta)

斯诺赫塔建筑事务所(Snøhetta)的最新杰作——乔阿维马塔(Čoarvemátta)文化教育中心,坐落于挪威考特凯诺,是萨米文化与当代建筑融合的典范。这座于2024年落成的建筑,总面积7200平方米,巧妙地将萨米国家剧院(Beaivváš)与萨米高中及驯鹿牧业学校统一在一个屋檐下。 Snøhetta's latest masterpiece, the Čoarvemátta Cultural and Educational Hub in Kautokeino, Norway, stands as a testament to the fusion of Sami culture and contemporary architecture. This 7,200-square-meter structure, inaugurated in 2024, houses both the Sami National Theatre Beaivváš and the Sami High School and Reindeer Herding School under one roof.

10. Kliphuis 山谷品酒体验馆(Slee & Co Architects)

坐落在南非斯泰伦博斯美丽的班胡克山谷中,"石屋"(Kliphuis)项目堪称因地制宜建筑设计的典范。这座由Slee & Co建筑事务所设计的423平方米建筑,与其令人惊叹的自然环境完美融合,展现了建筑形态与自然景观之间的和谐对话。 Nestled in the picturesque Banhoek Valley of Stellenbosch, South Africa, the Kliphuis for Capensis Wines emerges as a testament to thoughtful, site-specific architecture. Designed by Slee & Co Architects, this 423-square-meter structure seamlessly blends into its breathtaking surroundings, offering a harmonious dialogue between built form and natural landscape.




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