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MORE Architecture


坐落于浙江嘉兴一座银杏树覆盖的小岛上,由MORE Architecture设计的"银杏画廊"为中国近年来的"博物馆热"提供了一个清新的对比。这座创新的文化空间摒弃了宏大、标志性博物馆的趋势,转而追求一种更加亲密和沉浸式的体验,将艺术与自然完美融合。

画廊的设计灵感源自浙江本地村落的特色,将博物馆的类型重新构想为一个待探索的小镇。通过将引导式博物馆概念与自由流动平面相结合,MORE Architecture创造了一种流畅的空间体验,使参观者能够在相互连接又各具特色的展厅中自由穿梭,编织自己的参观路线。




Nestled on a ginkgo tree-covered island in Jiaxing, China, the Ginkgo Gallery by MORE Architecture presents a refreshing counterpoint to China's recent "museum boom." This innovative cultural space eschews the trend of massive, iconic museums in favor of a more intimate and immersive experience that seamlessly blends art with nature.

The gallery's design draws inspiration from the DNA of local Zhejiang villages, reimagining the museum typology as a small town to be explored. By merging the guided museum concept with a free-flow plan, MORE Architecture has created a fluid spatial experience that allows visitors to craft their own journey through interconnected yet distinct exhibition halls.

At a modest 2,500 square meters, the Ginkgo Gallery stands out for its understated materiality. The entire structure is crafted from in-situ cast concrete, with rough wooden plank formwork creating a textured rhythm across facades, walls, and ceilings. This minimalist approach reduces construction waste and emphasizes the museum's spatial qualities.

The gallery's relationship with its surroundings is paramount, orienting itself towards the water and landscape to forge a deep connection between culture and art. With additional spaces for education and engagement, including an auditorium, reading room, and workshop, the Ginkgo Gallery aims to make contemporary art an integral part of public life, particularly for children.


在阿姆斯特丹和上海两地联动的MORE Architecture建筑事务所,是一家于2013年由荷兰建筑师Daan Roggeveen和华裔美籍建筑师Robert Chen创立的研究导向型设计实践工作室。该事务所跨建筑、室内设计和城市规划战略等多个领域,采用多元化融合的设计手法。其在两地办公室均拥有精干的高水平建筑师和设计师团队,专注于打造经过深思熟虑且可持续发展的环境。

该事务所的作品包罗文化、酒店、办公和展览等多种空间类型,追求创造动态、包容且注重社区的设计。核心团队成员包括创始合伙人Daan Roggeveen和Robert Chen,以及阿姆斯特丹合伙人Ties Kweekel和Chloe Oosterwoud,上海团队则由合伙人Pey Lung和Mae Sszto领衔。

MORE Architecture广泛开展城市研究,结合总体规划和因地制宜的细致设计,开发以人为本的解决方案,巧妙融合欧陆和中华元素。该事务所的作品秉承混合功能、提升可及性和营造公共领域的理念,旨在建构新的集体认同感。

MORE Architecture对可持续性、以人为本的设计和长期客户关系的承诺,使其成为该领域的领导者。这一点通过他们被列入AD100,即中国100家最具影响力的设计公司之一的名单得到了证实。其专注于创造经过深思熟虑的环境,促进新型集体意识的形成,继续在跨大洲范围内塑造城市空间的未来。

凭借其创新的设计理念和跨文化的专业知识,MORE Architecture无疑正在重新定义现代城市环境,为我们的城市带来富有远见且可持续的解决方案。他们的作品不仅仅是建筑,更是对未来城市生活的深刻洞察和巧妙诠释。

Based in Amsterdam and Shanghai, MORE Architecture is a research-driven design practice founded in 2013 by Dutch architect Daan Roggeveen and Chinese-American architect Robert Chen. The studio's interdisciplinary approach spans architecture, interior design, and urban planning and strategy.

With a lean team of highly skilled architects and designers across both offices, MORE Architecture focuses on creating considered and sustainable environments. The firm's portfolio showcases a range of cultural, hospitality, workplace, and exhibition projects that strive for dynamic, inclusive, and community-oriented designs.

Key team members lending their expertise include founding partners Roggeveen and Chen, along with Amsterdam partners Ties Kweekel and Chloe Oosterwoud. The Shanghai office is led by partners Pey Lung and Mae Sszto, with Xiangcheng Xing also serving as a skilled project architect.

Combining extensive urban research with masterplanning and sensitive contextual design, MORE Architecture develops human-centered solutions that blend European and Chinese influences. The practice's work is guided by principles of mixing uses, promoting accessibility, and establishing public realms that foster a new sense of collective identity.

MORE's commitment to sustainability, human-centered design, and long-term client relationships has established them as a leader in the field. This is evidenced by their inclusion in AD100, recognizing them as one of the 100 most influential design firms in China. With a focus on creating considered environments that promote a new sense of collectivity, MORE Architecture continues to shape the future of urban spaces across continents.

2500 ㎡



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