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首尔 Odong 公共图书馆
Unsangdong Architects


坐落于韩国首尔城北区的Odong 公共图书馆由韻生同建築師事務所设计,重新诠释了社区阅读空间的概念。这座431平方米的建筑新作于2023年竣工,将Odong公园曾经被忽视的一角转变为充满活力的知识与休闲中心。





通过与现有公园景观的无缝融合,并满足社区需求,首尔 Odong 公共图书馆成为了以社区为中心的建筑的典范。

Nestled in Seongbuk District, South Korea, the Odong Public Library by UnSangDong Architects reimagines the concept of a community reading space. This 431-square-meter gem, completed in 2023, transforms a once-neglected area of Odong Park into a vibrant hub of knowledge and relaxation.

The library's most striking feature is its innovative bookshelf wall structure, which serves as both a functional storage solution and a spatial divider. This flowing, maze-like arrangement creates a series of interconnected spaces that can be both autonomous and integrated, offering visitors a unique navigational experience.

The building's form is equally captivating, with a spiral ceiling that mimics the contours of a mountain, peaking at the central main room. A foldable roof with varying heights allows natural light to cascade through, blurring the lines between interior and exterior spaces.

UnSangDong Architects have masterfully balanced form and function, creating a space that transcends its modest size. The careful arrangement of bookshelves, windows, and structural elements achieves a harmonious blend of furniture, space, and framework.

Despite its compact footprint, the Odong Public Library offers a rich, multilayered experience. Visitors from all walks of life can feel both purposeful and nomadic as they explore the flowing spaces. The design encourages creativity and innovation, particularly for local children, through its multi-code maze concept.

By seamlessly integrating with the existing park landscape and addressing community needs, the Odong Public Library stands as a testament to thoughtful, community-centered architecture.


成立于2001年的韻生同建築師事務所(Unsangdong Architects)是一家引领韩国设计潮流的先锋建筑工作室,长期以来不断突破概念建筑的界限。在首席建筑师张允奎(Yoongyoo Jang)和申昌勋(Changhoon Shin)的带领下,该事务所凭借其在空间设计和文化融合方面的创新方法赢得了国际赞誉。


该事务所的全球认可度包括2007年获得《建筑评论》(Architectural Review)杂志颁发的AR奖,以及2006年获得《建筑实录》(Architectural Record)杂志颁发的先锋奖。张允奎同时担任韩国国民大学建筑学院教授,通过学术参与和文化倡议(如정미소画廊)提升了工作室的影响力。


Founded in the early 2000s, Unsangdong Architects is a pioneering South Korean design studio that has consistently pushed the boundaries of conceptual architecture. Led by principal architects Yoongyoo Jang and Changhoon Shin, the firm has garnered international acclaim for its innovative approach to spatial design and cultural integration.

Unsangdong's portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from public institutions to residential complexes, each embodying their commitment to "conceptual architecture" that explores the multifaceted possibilities of cultural content in built form. Their design philosophy emphasizes experimental methodologies and collaborative practices, resulting in spaces that transcend traditional architectural paradigms.

The firm's global recognition includes the prestigious AR Award from Architectural Review in 2007 and the Vanguard Award from Architectural Record in 2006. Yoongyoo Jang, also a professor at Kookmin University's School of Architecture, has been instrumental in elevating the studio's profile through academic engagement and cultural initiatives such as Gallery Jungmiso.

Unsangdong Architects' work is characterized by its bold formal gestures, innovative use of materials, and a keen sensitivity to context. Their projects often feature dynamic spatial arrangements, integrated programming, and a harmonious blend of form and function, establishing the firm as a leading voice in contemporary Korean architecture and a significant contributor to the global design discourse.

431 m²



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