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In the heart of Chengdu's Luhu Eco-City, the Luhu CPI Island project by JILI Architecture emerges as a groundbreaking urban renewal initiative, seamlessly blending architectural innovation with the city's laid-back ethos. This 7,000-square-meter development transforms a cluster of abandoned villa showrooms into a vibrant commercial and social hub, redefining the relationship between waterfront living and urban dynamics.

JILI Architecture's approach, inspired by Japanese philosopher Kiyokazu Washida's concepts of "heinessei" (everyday warmth) and "tanke" (subtle scenery), masterfully captures Chengdu's renowned relaxed atmosphere. The project's design philosophy centers on creating spaces that embody the city's quintessential "comfortable" lifestyle, locally known as "bashi."

The architects have ingeniously repurposed ten existing structures and introduced ten new buildings, crafting a harmonious ensemble that respects the site's original spatial relationships while infusing new life. A standout feature is the clever manipulation of micro-topography, resulting in a series of terraces and split-level spaces offering privacy and captivating views.

The project's unique design elements include expansive grey spaces that blur the lines between architecture and nature, simplified cubist forms that exude approachability, and a cohesive color palette that unifies diverse materials. Six distinct functional clusters, each anchored by inviting plazas, create a network of interconnected spaces that encourage exploration and social interaction.

This thoughtful urban intervention not only revitalizes a forgotten island but also serves as a testament to Chengdu's evolving urban identity – a place where tradition and innovation coexist in perfect harmony.




Founded in 2014, VARY Design has rapidly established itself as a dynamic force in the architectural landscape of China. With studios strategically located in Shenzhen and Chongqing, this independent practice has garnered attention for its multifaceted approach to urban and architectural design.

Led by founding partners Fan Qi and Dingliang Yang, VARY Design brings together a wealth of international expertise. Fan Qi, with his background in architecture from Zhejiang University and landscape architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, spearheads the firm's focus on integrating academic theory with local practice. Dingliang Yang, a lecturer at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design, contributes cutting-edge research on cross-scale urban strategies.

In just eight years, VARY Design has amassed an impressive portfolio of 165 completed projects, serving 53 clients and earning 11 design awards. Their work spans a spectrum of scales, from urban masterplans to interior renovations, always emphasizing the critical interplay between people and their urban environments.

VARY Design's methodology is characterized by a "zoom-in" approach, beginning with macro-level urban studies and distilling insights down to architectural, interior, and landscape scales. This holistic perspective allows the firm to address complex urban challenges through what they term "urban acupuncture" – targeted interventions that catalyze broader positive change.

The firm's commitment to enhancing public life in the era of urban renewal is evident in their thoughtful commercial, retail, and public space designs. By blending rigorous analysis with creative vision, VARY Design continues to shape the future of Chinese cities, one project at a time.

7000 m²



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