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75.9 House
Omer Arbel


项目 – 在加拿大温哥华南部一片宁静的草场上,建筑师奥默·阿贝尔(Omer Arbel)的最新住宅杰作75.9号惊艳亮相,它巧妙融合了创新设计与有机建筑理念。这座家庭住宅展现了在混凝土建造技术上的开创性探索,其标志性特征是那些既是结构支撑又是雕塑焦点的巨型"荷叶"立柱。


项目最与众不同之处在于其独特的混凝土浇筑方法,这是Omer Arbel工作室自创的技术。这一工艺涉及在辐射排列的轻质胶合板肋骨间拉伸织物,最终呈现出有机、自由的形态,颠覆了传统混凝土建筑的概念。这些立柱被视作考古遗迹般的存在,成为整个住宅设计的概念基础。


Omer Arbel的设计巧妙地将建筑与自然环境融为一体。四个由玻璃和雪松木打造的双层高度空间构成了主要居住区,而连接通道则被抬高的草场所覆盖,使建筑与景观和谐共生。屋顶上,立柱中空的顶部种植了玉兰树,进一步模糊了人造建筑与自然之间的界限。




团队 –  成立于2003年的Omer Arbel Office(OAO)是当代建筑设计的先锋,模糊了建筑、雕塑和工业设计之间的界限。在其创始人Omer Arbel带领下,这家总部位于温哥华的设计工作室独创了一种独特的空间和材料探索方法,赢得了国际赞誉。




Omer Arbel多学科背景塑造了事务所对设计的整体性方法,无缝整合了建筑、产品设计和艺术装置。从定制住宅到大型公共干预项目,事务所的作品展现了对形式、光线和空间的精湛掌控。


OAO的姐妹公司Bocci于2005年同期成立,作为实现Omer Arbel创新照明设计的平台。建筑实践与制造能力的这种协同效应,为设计开发和制造过程提供了前所未有的控制力。


在Omer Arbel的创意指导下,OAO持续突破传统建筑实践的界限,培育创新和工艺精神的文化。事务所的作品不仅挑战了美学规范,还在当代建筑语境中重新定义了建筑形式与材质之间的关系。 Feature:

Project - In the idyllic setting of a Canadian Pacific Northwest hayfield, architect Omer Arbel's latest residential masterpiece, 75.9, emerges as a groundbreaking fusion of innovative design and organic architecture. This family home showcases Arbel's pioneering approach to concrete construction, featuring monumental 'lily pad' columns that serve as both structural elements and sculptural focal points.


The project's defining feature lies in its unique concrete pouring method, a technique invented by Arbel's studio. This process involves stretching fabric between lightweight plywood ribs arranged radially, resulting in organic, free-form shapes that challenge traditional notions of concrete architecture. The columns, treated as if they were archaeological ruins, form the conceptual foundation around which the rest of the house is built.


Arbel's design seamlessly integrates the structure with its natural surroundings. Four double-height volumes, constructed from glass and cedar wood, house the living spaces, while connecting passages are covered by the lifted hayfield, creating a harmonious blend between architecture and landscape. The rooftop supports magnolia trees planted in the hollow tops of the columns, further blurring the lines between built form and nature.


Inside, the home offers a cinematic experience of domestic life, with columns of varying heights and positions creating dynamic spatial narratives. The interplay of rough concrete finishes, polished floors, warm timber elements, and lush indoor gardens results in a rich, textural environment that is both contemporary and timeless.


Design Team - Omer Arbel Office (OAO), founded in 2003, stands at the vanguard of contemporary architectural design, blurring the boundaries between architecture, sculpture, and industrial design. Led by the visionary Omer Arbel, this Vancouver-based atelier has cultivated a unique approach to spatial and material exploration that has garnered international acclaim.


OAO's portfolio is characterized by a rigorous investigation into the intrinsic properties of materials, resulting in innovative architectural solutions and sculptural lighting designs. The firm's methodology is rooted in process-driven experimentation, often yielding unexpected and groundbreaking results. This is exemplified in their pioneering work with concrete forming techniques and their exploration of glass as a medium for spatial articulation.


Arbel's multidisciplinary background informs the practice's holistic approach to design, seamlessly integrating architecture, product design, and artistic installations. The firm's projects, ranging from bespoke residences to large-scale public interventions, demonstrate a masterful manipulation of form, light, and space.


OAO's sister company, Bocci, founded concurrently in 2005, serves as a platform for realizing Arbel's innovative lighting designs. This synergy between architectural practice and manufacturing capability allows for unprecedented control over design development and fabrication processes.


Under Arbel's creative direction, OAO continues to push the boundaries of conventional architectural practice, fostering a culture of innovation and craftsmanship. The firm's work not only challenges aesthetic norms but also redefines the relationship between built form and materiality in the contemporary architectural landscape.

740 m²



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