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Čoarvemátta 文化教育中心







Snøhetta's latest masterpiece, the Čoarvemátta Cultural and Educational Hub in Kautokeino, Norway, stands as a testament to the fusion of Sami culture and contemporary architecture. This 7,200-square-meter structure, inaugurated in 2024, houses both the Sami National Theatre Beaivváš and the Sami High School and Reindeer Herding School under one roof.

The building's name, Čoarvemátta, meaning "horn root" in Sami, symbolizes strength and unity. Its design, inspired by traditional Sami structures like the lávvu, features a branching form with curved lines and a central skylit vestibule. The exterior, clad in white ore pine, contrasts beautifully with the interior's warm, culturally-inspired color palette.

Snøhetta's commitment to sustainability shines through in the project's adherence to Passive House standards and its innovative use of geothermal energy. The landscape design seamlessly integrates the building with its surroundings, respecting the natural plateau and incorporating elements like reindeer fences and an outdoor fire pit.

The project's attention to detail extends to its custom signage and wayfinding system, which complements the architecture while honoring Sami multilingualism. Commissioned artworks by renowned Sami artists further enrich the space, creating a truly immersive cultural experience.

Čoarvemátta stands as a unifying force for Sami culture, education, and performance arts, showcasing Snøhetta's ability to create spaces that are both functionally innovative and deeply rooted in local traditions. 设计团队:


在创始合伙人谢蒂尔·特雷达尔·托尔森(Kjetil Trædal Thorsen)的带领下,斯诺赫塔的作品范围从精巧的装置艺术到大型城市开发项目无所不包。他们的突破性项目——埃及亚历山大图书馆为后续的标志性作品奠定了基础,如奥斯陆挪威国家歌剧院和芭蕾舞剧院,以及纽约世贸中心911纪念博物馆。

斯诺赫塔的设计理念强调对话驱动的过程和可持续创新。他们对建筑的方法是整体性的,既考虑人类也考虑非人类栖息地,并融入先进的可持续技术。事务所对环境管理的承诺在诸如特隆赫姆的Powerhouse Brattørkaia(一座能源正效益建筑)等项目中得到充分体现。


Founded in 1989, Snøhetta has emerged as a global leader in transdisciplinary design, seamlessly integrating architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and various other creative disciplines. This Oslo-based firm, named after a prominent Norwegian mountain, has built its reputation on a foundation of environmental sensitivity and cultural engagement.

Led by founding partner Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Snøhetta's portfolio spans from intimate installations to large-scale urban developments. Their breakthrough project, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt, set the stage for subsequent iconic works such as the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet in Oslo and the National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion in New York City.

Snøhetta's design philosophy emphasizes dialogue-driven processes and sustainable innovation. Their approach to architecture is holistic, considering both human and non-human habitats, and integrating advanced sustainable technologies. The firm's commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in projects like the Powerhouse Brattørkaia, a net-positive energy building in Trondheim.

With over 350 employees from 40 nations across nine global studios, Snøhetta maintains a non-hierarchical structure that fosters creativity and collaboration. Their work has garnered numerous accolades, including the Aga Khan Award for Architecture and the Mies van der Rohe Award, cementing their position at the forefront of contemporary architectural practice.

7200 m²

Kautokeino, Norway


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