JKMM Architects
项目名称: Chappe艺术馆 (Chappe Art House)
地点: 塔米萨里,芬兰
设计团队: JKMM Architects
项目面积: 1210 m²
竣工时间: 2023年
摄影: Tuomas Uusheimo
项目 – JKMM建筑事务所在芬兰历史悠久的滨海小镇塔米萨里揭幕了Chappe艺术馆。这座1210平方米的建筑展现了现代建筑理念与传统芬兰工艺的完美融合。
这座由Albert de la Chapelle基金会委托建造的三层建筑,以其独特的黑云杉外墙引人注目,既向该地区丰富的木制建筑传统致敬,又彰显了其现代特色。建筑的独特形态创造了一个与18世纪城镇景观和谐共存的地标性建筑。
在JKMM建筑事务所创始合伙人Asmo Jaaksi的带领下,建筑巧妙地将艺术装置融入建筑元素中,与芬兰艺术家Karin Widnäs和Petri Vainio等人展开合作。室内空间在上层展示了裸露的木结构,为展览环境增添温暖感和质感,同时保持着博物馆级别的环境控制以保护艺术品。
团队 – JKMM建筑事务所成立于1998年的芬兰,已发展成为北欧地区最具影响力的建筑设计机构之一,以其整体设计方法和对社会责任的承诺而闻名。在创始合伙人Asmo Jaaksi的领导下,这家总部位于赫尔辛基的工作室现已拥有近100名设计师,他们共同致力于创造促进社会福祉的建筑作品。
该事务所的作品组合展现了在文化、市政和教育领域的非凡多样性,其中包括享誉国际的Amos Rex艺术博物馆和最近完成的Chappe艺术馆。他们的设计理念融合了六个核心原则:自然启发的形态、以人为本的方法、智慧简约、注重执行的方法论、定制化解决方案和整体性集成。
Project Name: Chappe Art House
Location: Ekenäs, Finland
Design Team: JKMM Architects
Area: 1,210 m²
Completion: 2023
Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
Project - JKMM Architects has unveiled Chappe Art House, a striking contemporary cultural venue nestled in the historic coastal town of Tammisaari, Finland. The 1,210-square-metre building serves as a testament to the seamless integration of modern architectural principles with traditional Finnish craftsmanship.
The three-storey structure, commissioned by the Albert de la Chapelle Foundation, stands out for its sophisticated black spruce cladding that pays homage to the region's rich timber architectural heritage while asserting its contemporary identity. The building's distinctive form creates a contextual landmark that harmoniously weaves into the fabric of the 18th-century townscape.
What sets Chappe Art House apart is its innovative approach to spatial organization. The building features lofty, hall-like spaces that serve dual purposes – housing museum-grade galleries while accommodating community events. The top level houses the main exhibition galleries, while the ground floor opens into a generous multi-purpose foyer that connects to a shared museum garden, linking it physically and programmatically to the existing Raseborg Museum complex.
JKMM Architects, led by founding partner Asmo Jaaksi, has masterfully integrated art installations as architectural elements, collaborating with Finnish artists such as Karin Widnäs and Petri Vainio. The interior spaces showcase exposed timber structure on the upper levels, introducing warmth and tactility to the gallery environments while maintaining museum-grade environmental controls for art preservation.
The building's thoughtful design extends to its relationship with its surroundings, featuring carefully framed views of the sea and old town. This attention to context, combined with its technical sophistication and commitment to accessibility, positions Chappe Art House as a significant cultural catalyst for the region, transforming a traditionally seasonal destination into a year-round cultural hub. The project exemplifies how contemporary cultural architecture can both honor local heritage and drive community vitality through innovative design solutions.
Design Team - JKMM Architects, established in 1998 in Finland, has emerged as one of the Nordic region's most influential architectural practices, renowned for their holistic approach to design and commitment to social responsibility. Led by founding partner Asmo Jaaksi, the Helsinki-based studio has grown to encompass nearly 100 designers who share a common vision of creating architecture that fosters societal well-being.
The practice's portfolio demonstrates exceptional versatility across cultural, civic, and educational sectors, with notable projects including the internationally acclaimed Amos Rex Art Museum and the recent Chappe Art House. Their design philosophy interweaves six core principles: nature-inspired forms, human-centric approaches, intelligent simplicity, execution-focused methodology, bespoke solutions, and holistic integration.
JKMM's expertise spans architecture, interior architecture, urban design, and furniture design, allowing them to deliver comprehensive design solutions that seamlessly blend different scales and disciplines. Their commitment to innovation is evidenced by their impressive track record of over 100 architectural competition wins, including more than 50 first prizes, making them Finland's most successful competition office.
The firm's work has been recognized globally through prestigious awards and exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale and the Museum of Finnish Architecture, establishing JKMM as a leading force in contemporary Nordic architecture.
1210 m²