F 住宅
项目名称: HOUSE F
地点: 流山市,日本
设计团队: KamakuraStudio
项目面积: 169㎡
竣工时间: 2022年
摄影: Koji Fujii (Torel), Shinkenchiku-sha, Keisuke Fukui (KamakuraStudio)
项目 – 日本建筑事务所KamakuraStudio设计了一座混合住宅办公建筑,通过精心的建筑设计重新诠释了社区参与的概念,挑战了私人和公共空间之间的传统界限。
这座名为House F的建筑面积为169平方米,既是建筑师的住所,也是其工作室。其一层特意设计为一个流动的、面向社区的空间,鼓励邻里之间的随意互动。该项目针对其特殊的地理环境做出回应——这是一个相对较新的住宅区,75%的居民都是在过去十年内搬入的。
House F的与众不同之处在于其融入了"微干预"——一系列促进社区参与的细致入微的设计决策。一层空间可以灵活转换多种功能:既可以是与邻居分享咖啡的咖啡馆,也可以是收藏社区居民捐赠图书的临时图书馆,还可以是配备投影仪的临时影院。
自2022年完工以来,House F已成为促进社区互动的催化剂,举办了从工作坊到电影放映等各种活动。该项目展示了建筑如何成为促进社会凝聚力的工具,为面对日本人口老龄化和人口减少的可持续社区建设提供了全新的视角。
团队 – KamakuraStudio成立于2016年,是一家新兴的日本建筑事务所,已迅速确立了其在日本当代建筑领域的重要地位。事务所由主创建筑师福井啓介和森川啓介共同领导,两人均毕业于日本大学建筑学科,目前的事务所位于千叶县流山市。
KamakuraStudio的设计理念围绕着他们所称的"最大化连接"展开——这是一种细致考虑建筑形态与社会基础设施交汇的方法论。这一理念在他们备受赞誉的HOUSE F项目中得到充分体现,该项目巧妙地消解了传统居住空间与社区空间之间的界限。
Project Name: HOUSE F
Location: Nagareyama, Japan
Architecture Firm: KamakuraStudio
Lead Architects: Keisuke Fukui, Keisuke Morikawa
Design Team: Keisuke Fukui
Technical Team: Keisuke Morikawa
Area: 168㎡
Completion Year: 2022
Photography: Koji Fujii (Torel), Shinkenchiku-sha, Keisuke Fukui (KamakuraStudio)
Project - Japanese architecture firm KamakuraStudio has designed a hybrid home-office in Japan that reimagines community engagement through thoughtful architectural intervention, challenging the conventional boundaries between private and public spaces.
Named House F, the 168-square-metre building serves as both the architect's residence and studio, with its ground floor deliberately designed as a fluid, community-oriented space that invites casual neighborhood interaction. The project responds to the unique context of its location – a relatively new residential area where 75 percent of residents have moved in within the last decade.
The most striking feature of the design is its innovative approach to indoor-outdoor connectivity, achieved through a seamless treatment of materials, architectural elements, and floor levels. This continuity is further enhanced by a distinctive diagonal opening that cuts through the building's upper levels, allowing southern light to penetrate while creating space for an ambitious vertical garden.
What sets House F apart is its integration of "micro-interventions" – small, thoughtful design decisions that foster community engagement. The ground floor transforms fluidly between various functions: a café where extra coffee is shared with neighbors, an impromptu library filled with community-donated books, and an occasional cinema space complete with a projector.
The building's facade is particularly noteworthy for its three-dimensional planting strategy, which builds upon an existing neighborhood "plant-sharing network." This green element creates a forest-like atmosphere through alternating terraces and interior rooms in both plan and section.
Since its completion in 2022, House F has become a catalyst for community interaction, hosting various events from workshops to film screenings. The project demonstrates how architecture can serve as a tool for social cohesion, offering a fresh perspective on sustainable community building in the face of Japan's aging society and population decline.
Design Team - Founded in 2016, KamakuraStudio is an emerging Japanese architectural practice that has rapidly established itself as a significant voice in contemporary Japanese architecture. Led by co-principals Keisuke Fukui and Keisuke Morikawa, both graduates of Nihon University's Department of Architecture, the firm operates from their base in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture.
The practice's portfolio spans an impressive range of typologies, from single-family residences and multi-unit housing to commercial facilities and public institutions. Their contextual approach to architecture is characterized by a sophisticated understanding of spatial hierarchy and programmatic flexibility, particularly evident in their integration of public and private realms.
KamakuraStudio's design philosophy centers on what they term "maximizing connections" - a methodology that carefully considers the intersection of built form with social infrastructure. This is exemplified in their award-winning HOUSE F project, where the traditional boundaries between residential and community spaces are thoughtfully dissolved.
Under the leadership of Fukui, who previously worked at NAP Architects, and Morikawa, whose experience includes Kume Sekkei and Kitagawara Atsushi Architecture & Urban Design Institute, the firm has developed a distinctive approach to contemporary Japanese architecture that emphasizes social sustainability and community engagement through architectural intervention.
169 m²