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FA 206 办公楼
Tchoban Voss Architects


在柏林利希滕贝格区的中心,一座引人注目的新办公楼拔地而起,以其大胆的设计和周到的城市融合理念,挑战着当地的建筑景观。由Tchoban Voss Architekten设计的FA 206办公楼,巧妙地融合了历史工业美学与现代办公需求,成为建筑艺术的典范。





In the heart of Berlin's Lichtenberg district, a striking new office building has emerged, challenging the architectural landscape with its bold design and thoughtful urban integration. Designed by Tchoban Voss Architekten, the Office Building FA 206 stands as a testament to the fusion of historical industrial aesthetics and contemporary workplace needs.

The trapezoidal structure, completed in 2024, occupies a prominent corner plot of 6000 square meters, introducing a refreshing contrast to the surrounding postmodern GDR-era buildings. Its most distinctive feature is the expressive rust-red clinker brick façade, which pays homage to early 20th-century industrial architecture while asserting its own modern identity.

The façade's intricate detailing showcases a masterful play of textures and patterns. The building's plinth, encompassing the ground and first floors, boasts a horizontal clinker brick relief reminiscent of Expressionist architecture. Above, the smooth clinker brick surface is punctuated by convex textured bricks, creating a dynamic interplay with changing sunlight.

Floor-to-ceiling windows shift subtly across each level, generating a captivating visual rhythm. This design not only enhances the building's aesthetic appeal but also maximizes natural light for the interior spaces. The structure's functionality extends to its flat roof, which doubles as a water retention system and hosts a panoramic terrace overlooking iconic Berlin landmarks.

With its gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council, this seven-story edifice exemplifies a harmonious blend of innovative design, historical reference, and environmental consciousness.


来自德国的Tchoban Voss Architekten是建筑创新和持久性的典范,自1931年成立以来一直在塑造建筑环境。该公司由赫伯特·施普罗特(Herbert Sprotte)和彼得·内夫(Peter Neve)在汉堡创立,现已发展成为设计卓越的翘楚,目前由谢尔盖·楚邦(Sergei Tchoban)和埃克哈德·沃斯(Ekkehard Voss)领导,二人于2015年成为公司的主要合伙人。

九十多年来,Tchoban Voss Architekten在多元化的项目组合中不断提供优质设计解决方案。他们的专业领域涵盖住宅和商业建筑、酒店场所、办公综合体、工业设施以及旧建筑改造项目。该公司的理念强调对环境敏感的设计,创造出巧妙回应城市环境的建筑叙事。

Tchoban Voss Architekten拥有180多名高素质的跨学科专业人才,在汉堡、柏林和德累斯顿设有办公室。这种地理分布使公司能够保持强大的区域影响力,同时精细地承接国际项目。

该事务所以其全面的设计方法而闻名,从外立面到室内细节都精心打造。这种综合方法确保每个项目都成为其环境中不可或缺的、富有特色的组成部分。Tchoban Voss Architekten对可持续性、功能性和美学卓越的承诺,使他们成为当代建筑的领军力量,不断打造能够优雅适应不断演变的城市需求的持久建筑。

Tchoban Voss Architekten, a paragon of architectural innovation and longevity, has been shaping the built environment since its inception in 1931. Founded by Herbert Sprotte and Peter Neve in Hamburg, the firm has evolved into a powerhouse of design excellence, now led by visionaries Sergei Tchoban and Ekkehard Voss, who became the company's leading partners in 2015.

With a rich history spanning over nine decades, Tchoban Voss Architekten has consistently delivered cutting-edge solutions across a diverse portfolio. Their expertise encompasses residential and commercial structures, hospitality venues, office complexes, industrial facilities, and adaptive reuse projects. The firm's philosophy emphasizes context-sensitive design, creating architectural narratives that respond thoughtfully to their urban surroundings.

Boasting a team of over 180 highly qualified, interdisciplinary professionals, Tchoban Voss Architekten operates from strategic locations in Hamburg, Berlin, and Dresden. This geographical spread allows the firm to maintain a strong regional presence while undertaking international projects with finesse.

The practice is renowned for its holistic approach to design, meticulously crafting every aspect from façade to interior details. This comprehensive methodology ensures that each project becomes an integral, characterful component of its environment. Tchoban Voss Architekten's commitment to sustainability, functionality, and aesthetic excellence has positioned them as a leading force in contemporary architecture, consistently delivering enduring structures that gracefully adapt to evolving urban needs.

23300 ㎡



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