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GROW 多单元住宅


在卡尔加里班克维尤社区的中心,GROW项目作为一个突破性的20户住宅项目脱颖而出,巧妙地将创新建筑与城市农业融为一体。该多户住宅开发项目由Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA)设计,通过融入一个屋顶城市农场,挑战了人们对内城生活的传统观念。





In the heart of Calgary's Bankview neighbourhood, GROW emerges as a groundbreaking 20-unit housing project that seamlessly blends innovative architecture with urban agriculture. Designed by Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA), this multi-residential development challenges conventional notions of inner-city living by incorporating a sprawling 0.6-acre rooftop urban farm.

The project's most striking feature is its zigzag sloped roof, which creates a visually dynamic silhouette and serves as a communal space for residents to engage in urban farming, socialize, and connect with nature. This ambitious amenity-scape introduces a scale of urban horticulture previously unseen in Calgary's inner-city housing.

GROW's unique approach to fostering community extends beyond its rooftop. The development offers a diverse range of unit sizes, from compact studios to spacious two-story townhomes, encouraging a mix of residents across different age groups and family sizes. This intentional demographic diversity aims to build resilience and social connections through proximity.

The architects have ingeniously responded to the site's challenging topography, utilizing a six-metre elevation change to create a terraced effect. This design maximizes views and natural light for all units and cleverly integrates at-grade parking without compromising the building's aesthetic appeal.

GROW sets a new standard for multi-residential housing in Calgary by prioritizing social capital alongside real estate value. It offers a compelling vision for more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable urban living, where shared experiences and community engagement are at the forefront of residential design.


Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA)由富有远见的建筑师Ben Klumper和Dustin Couzens于2013年创立,迅速成为加拿大卡尔加里领先的多专业设计公司。MODA的项目组合涵盖建筑、城市规划、景观和设计等多个领域,持续突破传统建筑实践的界限。


MODA的联合创始人为事务所带来了丰富的经验和荣誉。Ben Klumper作为加拿大皇家建筑学会奖章获得者,曾担任阿尔伯塔建筑师协会理事会成员。Dustin Couzens因其出色的论文工作而受到认可,并从他在维也纳著名的蓝天组事务所的工作经验中获益。



Founded in 2013 by visionary architects Ben Klumper and Dustin Couzens, Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA) has rapidly established itself as a leading multidisciplinary design firm in Calgary, Canada. With a diverse portfolio spanning architecture, urbanism, landscape, and design, MODA has consistently pushed the boundaries of conventional architectural practice.

The firm's ethos is rooted in a commitment to advancing architectural discourse through built works, conceptual projects, and dedicated research. MODA's approach is characterized by a calculated naïveté towards the status quo, allowing them to uncover untapped potentials in constraints and transform limitations into opportunities for architectural innovation.

MODA's co-founders bring a wealth of experience and accolades to the practice. Ben Klumper, a Royal Architectural Institute of Canada medal recipient, contributes his expertise as a former council member of the Alberta Association of Architects. Dustin Couzens, recognized for his outstanding thesis work, brings international experience from his time at the renowned Coop-Himmelblau in Vienna.

The firm's commitment to education and knowledge dissemination is evident in their involvement with the University of Calgary's School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, where both principals serve as critics and adjunct professors. This academic engagement ensures MODA remains at the forefront of architectural pedagogy and practice.

MODA's projects, exemplified by works like the GROW residence, demonstrate their ability to create contextually responsive, socially engaged, and environmentally conscious architecture. Their interdisciplinary approach and dedication to exploring new typologies position MODA as a transformative force in the architectural landscape of Calgary and beyond.

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