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PAO 商业精选店
2id Architects


项目 – 这座位于浜松市的"PAO"商业综合体,将饮食和购物空间完美融合,设计极具创意。2id Architects巧妙地将各个商铺围绕中央大厅布局,营造出热闹的集市氛围,促进"新的人际交往"。各商铺的柜台选用了与街区风格协调的复古陶瓷砖,使空间产生统一感,同时又保留了独特个性。而真正吸引眼球的,是那座镶嵌了15000块镜片的"镜球式"披萨窑,宛如舞台中心的明星。在活动期间,它会在灯光的照耀下熠熠生辉,彷佛变成了真正的镜球。主创设计师冈田宰渴望打造一处让人"重新发现城镇和民众的好奇心"、"培养生活文化理念"的场所。中央大厅可随时转变为广场,举办各种活动。整个空间复古与现代元素巧妙融合,致力于全方位包容人文、地缘和文化内涵,成为一处充满活力的社区核心。这一富有想象力的设计,体现了"邂逅"的精髓 - 美食、购物、活动和社交联系交织合璧,充分彰显了这一植根于当地的精神符号。

团队 –  2id Architects于2016年在东京和浜松创立,是一家跨越建筑、室内和产品设计的设计公司。该事务所由日本建筑师冈田宰领衔,坚持"设计中的二元性"理念,巧妙融合看似矛盾的设计元素,打造贴近现实又富有想象力的作品。2id擅长协调建筑与室内、设计与功能实用等二元性,将对立面灵活编织成和谐统一的美学趣味。无论是住宅、商业建筑、室内空间乃至产品系列,他们的作品组合均展现出了过人的多元化才能。冈田宰曾在诸如Wonderwall和Klein Dytham等著名建筑设计公司任职,并在米兰的杜穆斯设计学院深造,这种多领域融会贯通的专业造诣造就了2id开拓进取的设计思维。他们创新独特的设计屡获殊荣,如2020年DFA亚洲设计大奖和2018年Dezeen工作空间室内设计年度大奖。怀着对通过概念创意提升日常体验的热忱,2id不断摸索艺术边界。其"设计中的二元性"理念孕育出的建筑和室内作品,无不兼具实用性与设计感,与环境文脉互为共鸣。


Project - PAO is a culture department store in Hamate-cho, Hamamatsu City that seamlessly blends food halls with select shops. Designed by architect Osamu Okada of 2id Architects, the space aims to be a nexus connecting people, localities and cultures through a central hall layout inviting "new encounters." The counters of each vendor are clad in ceramic tiles that echo the retro aesthetic of the surrounding neighborhood, unifying the interior while allowing individual expression through varied colors and shapes. A standout pizza oven raised on a "Pizza Stage" becomes the iconic centerpiece, its 15,000 mirrored tiles hand-laid to create a spectacular "mirror ball oven" that transforms into a dazzling light display during events. Okada envisioned a space fostering "curiosity to rediscover the town and its people" and nurturing "ideas for cultivating culture" in daily life. The hall's versatility allows it to morph into a plaza for diverse happenings. With nostalgic yet contemporary flair, PAO aspires to holistically embrace the human, regional and cultural fabric as a vibrant community anchor point. The imaginative design encapsulates the quintessence of "encounter" - a delightful melange of food, retail, celebration and social connection resonating the storied spirit of place.

Design Team - Founded in 2016 and based in Tokyo and Hamamatsu, 2id Architects is a design firm that transcends boundaries between architecture, interiors and product design. Led by architect and designer Tsukasa Okada, the firm's approach is guided by the concept of "Duality in Design" - embracing seeming contradictions to create designs with authenticity. 2id Architects excels at harmonizing dualities like architecture and interiors, design and functionality. Their work deftly interweaves contrasting elements into cohesive wholes that feel grounded yet imaginative. From residential and commercial buildings to interior spaces and even product lines, the firm's portfolio showcases an impressive versatility. Okada's multi-disciplinary expertise, honed at prestigious firms like Wonderwall and Klein Dytham architecture as well as studies at Domus Academy, shapes 2id's boundary-pushing mentality. The firm's innovative designs have earned prestigious accolades including the 2020 DFA Design for Asia Awards and the 2018 Dezeen Award for Workspace Interior of the Year. With a passion for crafting spaces that elevate daily Experience through conceptual clarity, 2id Architects continues pushing creative frontiers. Their "Duality in Design" ethos produces architectural and interior designs that are as functional as they are design-forward and contextually resonant.




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