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Portlantis 游客体验中心




建筑面积:3533 m²


摄影:Ossip van Duivenbode



项目 - Portlantis游客体验中心位于鹿特丹港最西端,由MVRDV设计,于2025年3月22日正式向公众开放。这座"没有藏品的博物馆"是为了展示鹿特丹与其港口之间的密切关系而建造的。该建筑采用了旋转堆叠式设计,由五个旋转展览空间组成,每个空间都通过精心定位的"世界之窗"朝向不同方向,提供了对北海、海岸线和港口设施的全景视角。








团队 - MVRDV于1993年由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries创立。现在,三位创始合伙人与Frans de Witte、Fokke Moerel、Wenchian Shi、Jan Knikker和Bertrand Schippan一起,领导着一支由300多名专业人员组成的充满活力和乐观的团队。该事务所总部位于鹿特丹,并在上海、巴黎、柏林和纽约设有办事处,业务范围覆盖全球,为世界各地的当代建筑和城市问题提供解决方案。


MVRDV采用高度协作、基于研究的设计方法,从创意过程的早期就让客户、利益相关者和来自各个领域的专家参与其中。事务所拥有内部气候团队,为整个公司的设计团队提供咨询,确保工作的可持续性和弹性。作为专家团队,MVRDV NEXT开发和实施计算工作流程和新技术,使设计更加合理化,加快流程,并使项目在面对变化时更加高效和适应性强。


MVRDV的作品在全球范围内展出和发表,并获得了众多国际奖项。事务所的独特设计方法产生了各种成果,包括各种类型和规模的建筑、城市规划和远景、众多出版物、装置和展览。事务所因设计创新、意想不到且充满活力的混合用途建筑而闻名,如鹿特丹的Markthal(住宅和零售的结合)、纽约市色彩鲜艳的Radio Hotel and Tower,以及阿姆斯特丹三座戏剧性、受自然启发、植物覆盖的Valley塔楼。


Project Name: Portlantis Visitor and Exhibition Center

Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Design Team: MVRDV

Total Floor Area: 3533 m²

Completion: 2025

Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode



Project - The Portlantis Visitor and Exhibition Center, designed by MVRDV and located at the westernmost point of the Port of Rotterdam, opened to the public on March 22nd, 2025. This "museum with no collection" was created to showcase the intimate relationship between Rotterdam and its port. The building takes the form of a stack of five rotated exhibition spaces, each strategically oriented to frame specific views of the surroundings through carefully positioned "windows to the world" that offer panoramic vistas of the North Sea, coastline, and port facilities.


At the heart of the building is a 22-meter-tall atrium featuring suspended yellow sculptures and a kinetic installation that symbolizes the perpetual motion of port activities. The exhibition areas, designed by Kossmanndejong, unfold across the floors – beginning with Rotterdam's current port operations on the first level, exploring its historical significance on the second, focusing on future developments and global role on the third, and addressing environmental challenges and sustainable solutions on the fourth. Each level's exhibition content directly corresponds to the view framed by its window.


The building's exterior is characterized by bright red staircases that twist their way up the structure, providing free public access to viewing platforms on each level and the rooftop. This design element transforms Portlantis into not just an exhibition center but also a public viewing tower, creating a beacon-like presence in the landscape.


Sustainability anchors the project through demountable structures, circular economy principles, and energy-positive operations, generating 30 percent more energy than it consumes. Constructed from resilient, port-sourced materials designed to withstand maritime conditions, the building embodies both the industrial spirit of Rotterdam and the port's ambitious transition toward a sustainable future.


Design Team - MVRDV was founded in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. Now, the three founding partners lead a dynamic and optimistic team of over 300 alongside partners Frans de Witte, Fokke Moerel, Wenchian Shi, Jan Knikker, and Bertrand Schippan. Based in Rotterdam, Shanghai, Paris, Berlin, and New York, the firm has a global scope, providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues in all regions of the world.


MVRDV employs a highly collaborative, research-based design method that involves clients, stakeholders, and experts from a wide range of fields from early on in the creative process. The firm has an in-house Climate Team, which consults with design teams across the entire company to ensure the sustainability and resilience of their work. As a group of specialists, MVRDV NEXT develops and implements computational workflows and new technologies to rationalize designs, speed up processes, and make projects more efficient and adaptable in the face of change.


The work of MVRDV is exhibited and published worldwide and has received numerous international awards. The products of the firm's unique approach to design vary, ranging from buildings of all types and sizes, to urban plans and visions, numerous publications, installations, and exhibitions. The firm has a reputation for designing innovative, unexpected, and joyful mixed-use buildings such as the Markthal, a combination of housing and retail in Rotterdam, Radio Hotel and Tower, a brightly colored leisure and office tower complex in New York City, and Valley, three dramatic, nature-inspired, plant-covered towers in Amsterdam.


3533 m²



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