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Salient 住宅
Ayutt and Associates design


坐落于泰国梭桃邑中心地带的"The Salient"项目,堪称当代设计与传统社区完美融合的典范。由Ayutt and Associates design(AAd)设计的这座引人注目的家庭住宅,大胆挑战了泰式建筑的传统概念,同时又巧妙地尊重了其文化背景。




最值得一提的是,The Salient在彰显现代地标性的同时,又能与传统环境和谐共处,实现了微妙的平衡。通过融入图案砖墙和共享绿地等元素,设计既向当地建筑传统致敬,又突破了界限。这种方法不仅提升了业主的居住体验,还为整个社区带来了积极影响,为泰国的情境化现代设计树立了新标准。

Nestled in the heart of Sattahip, Thailand, "The Salient" stands as a testament to contemporary design seamlessly woven into the fabric of a traditional community. Designed by Ayutt and Associates design (AAd), this striking family home challenges conventional notions of Thai architecture while respecting its cultural context.

The project's most distinctive feature is its facade – a masterful interplay of aluminum panels that serve multiple functions. This innovative design element not only creates a striking visual statement but also acts as a sophisticated climate control system, shielding the interior from harsh sunlight and allowing for natural ventilation.

At ground level, The Salient embraces community engagement through a multifunctional courtyard that doubles as a parking lot, gas loading area, and social space. This clever use of space reflects the architects' commitment to enhancing social coexistence within the constraints of urban living.

The interior spaces are thoughtfully crafted to maintain a connection with the surrounding environment. Floor-to-ceiling glass panes and strategically placed windows frame views of neighboring greenery, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor experience.

Perhaps most notably, The Salient achieves a delicate balance between standing out as a modern landmark and harmonizing with its traditional surroundings. By incorporating elements such as patterned brick walls and shared green spaces, the design pays homage to the area's architectural heritage while pushing boundaries. This approach not only transforms the homeowners' living experience but also contributes positively to the broader community, setting a new standard for contextual modern design in Thailand.

设计团队:Ayutt and Associates Design (AAd)由建筑师Ayutt Mahasom于2004年在泰国创立,如今已成为泰国乃至亚太地区领先的多元化设计事务所。在近20年的发展历程中,AAd始终致力于为各类项目提供创新且因地制宜的建筑解决方案。


在Ayutt Mahasom及其精英团队的带领下,AAd成功完成了包括商业开发、酒店场所、机构建筑和综合体项目在内的广泛作品。该事务所在处理复杂城市环境和融入可持续设计原则方面的专业能力,使其跻身于该地区当代建筑实践的前沿。


目前,Ayutt and Associates Design的项目足迹遍布泰国、新加坡、马来西亚和中国等地。该事务所不断突破建筑卓越性的界限,创造出不仅满足功能需求,更能启发并丰富用户生活的空间。

Ayutt and Associates Design (AAd), founded in 2004 by visionary architect Ayutt Mahasom, has established itself as a leading multidisciplinary design firm in Thailand and the Asia Pacific region. With nearly two decades of experience, AAd has consistently delivered innovative and context-sensitive architectural solutions across a diverse portfolio of projects.

The firm's holistic approach to design, encompassing architecture, interior design, lighting, and landscape architecture, has garnered international recognition and numerous accolades. AAd's work is characterized by its commitment to creating bespoke solutions that respond thoughtfully to each project's unique requirements, site conditions, and cultural context.

Under the leadership of Ayutt Mahasom and his team of skilled professionals, AAd has successfully executed a wide range of projects, from commercial developments and hospitality venues to institutional buildings and mixed-use complexes. The firm's expertise in navigating complex urban environments and incorporating sustainable design principles has positioned it at the forefront of contemporary architectural practice in the region.

AAd's design philosophy emphasizes the importance of user experience, environmental responsiveness, and cultural relevance. By fostering a collaborative and multicultural working environment, the firm harnesses diverse perspectives to drive innovation in architectural design.

With a growing portfolio of projects across Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and China, Ayutt and Associates Design continues to push the boundaries of architectural excellence, creating spaces that not only meet functional requirements but also inspire and enrich the lives of their users.

900 m²

Sattahip, Thailand


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