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Schlotfeldt 住宅
Omar Gandhi Architect

项目名称:Schlotfeldt 住宅

设计团队:Omar Gandhi Architects

面积:1450 ft²  




项目 – 耸立于加拿大奥卡纳根山谷之中,一座耐候钢包裹的住宅如同一艘陆地航船,傲然屹立于苍茫山间景致之中。这座由Omar Gandhi Architects设计的建筑精品,巧妙地将前卫设计与环境适应性融为一体,创造出一个既挑战又协调周遭环境的独特项目。










团队 Omar Gandhi Architects(OGA),成立于2010年加拿大,短短十余年间已跻身全球建筑设计的翘楚行列。该事务所的作品横跨创新住宅、城市更新到大型公共工程等多个领域,始终站在加拿大当代建筑设计的最前沿,荣获众多国际殊荣,彰显其卓越实力。






在首席建筑师Omar Gandhi的带领下,OGA的作品完美融合了加拿大传统建造方法与现代设计语言,不仅视觉冲击力强,还兼具高度功能性和环境适应性。从不列颠哥伦比亚省的施洛特费尔特住宅到新斯科舍省的峡谷小屋,OGA展现了将现代建筑与自然地貌和谐共生的卓越才能。




Project:Schlotfeldt Residence

Team:Omar Gandhi Architects

Size:1450 ft²  

Location:Okanagan Valley, Canada



Project - Perched high above the Okanagan Valley, a striking corten-clad residence emerges from the rugged mountain landscape like a sophisticated land ship. This architectural marvel, designed by the renowned Omar Gandhi Architects, seamlessly blends cutting-edge design with environmental resilience, creating a structure that both challenges and harmonizes with its surroundings.


The home's most distinctive feature is its innovative response to the harsh mountain climate. Large overhangs shelter the structure from extreme weather conditions, while the absence of ground-level glazing acts as a defense against potential wildfires. A set of perforated steel stairs leads to an equally permeable landing, adding an element of lightness to the robust exterior.


Inside, the home reveals its true genius. A central skylight and light tunnel funnel natural illumination into the heart of the living space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The truncated, arrow-shaped plan elevates the main living areas, offering an uninterrupted 270-degree panorama of the valley and surrounding mountain ranges.


This 1,450-square-foot masterpiece, completed in 2021, sits on an expansive 11.33-acre lot. It exemplifies Omar Gandhi Architects' philosophy of creating "evolutions or abstractions" that challenge conventional relationships between buildings and their environment. The result is a home that is not just a shelter, but a work of art that celebrates its breathtaking location.


Currently on the market for $3,750,000, this two-bedroom, two-bathroom residence offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of architectural history. It stands as a testament to the possibility of luxurious living in harmony with nature, even in the most challenging of environments.



Design Team - Founded in 2010, Omar Gandhi Architects (OGA) has rapidly established itself as a vanguard in contemporary Canadian architecture. With design studios in Toronto and Halifax, the firm has cultivated a portfolio that spans from innovative residential projects to large-scale public works, each embodying a unique dialogue between site-specificity and architectural ingenuity.


OGA's design philosophy is rooted in a deep engagement with context, where each project becomes an evolution or abstraction of familiar architectural typologies. The firm's approach involves a meticulous unraveling of client briefs, coupled with an astute analysis of site conditions, resulting in boldly reimagined forms that challenge conventional spatial experiences.


Under the leadership of Principal Omar Gandhi, alongside Associates Jeff Shaw, Stephanie Hosein, and Jordan Rice, the practice has garnered international acclaim. Notable projects like the Schlotfeldt Residence in British Columbia and the Rabbit Snare Gorge cabin in Nova Scotia exemplify OGA's mastery in harmonizing modern interventions with rugged landscapes.


The firm's work is characterized by its tectonic expressiveness, materiality, and attention to detail. OGA's designs often feature a juxtaposition of robust forms with delicate architectural refinements, creating spaces that are at once striking and intimately connected to their environment.


Recognized with prestigious accolades including the Canada Council for the Arts Professional Prix de Rome and the Canadian Governor General's Medal in Architecture, OGA continues to push the boundaries of architectural discourse, cementing its position as a formidable force in contemporary design.


1450 ft²

Okanagan Valley, Canada


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